Country Nutrition Profiles
The Country Nutrition Profiles bring together the latest data on nutrition at global, regional and country level. You can use the Country Nutrition Profiles to compare different regions or to find out what progress your country has made towards global nutrition targets set by the World Health Assembly. This makes them a great resource for anyone who needs evidence to drive nutrition action throughout the world.
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2022 Global Nutrition Report
The '2022 Global Nutrition Report: Stronger commitments for greater action’ sets out the role of accountability and its ability to transform action to tackle the nutrition crisis. It analyses the hard work underway and emphasises the role of every stakeholder to demonstrate why coordination is the only way we can deliver sustainable nutrition outcomes.
Read the report
The NAF Commitment Tracker
The GNR’s Nutrition Accountability Framework (NAF) created the world’s first independent and comprehensive platform for registering SMART commitments to take action on nutrition and monitor that action. Use the NAF Commitment Tracker to explore all registered commitments for a detailed insight into what action is being committed where, by whom and with what purpose. The NAF Commitment Tracker shines a light on commitments made across the world to end malnutrition in all its forms.
Explore the NAF Commitment Tracker
The Nutrition Accountability Framework
The Nutrition Accountability Framework (NAF) creates the world’s first independent and comprehensive platform for registering SMART nutrition commitments and monitoring nutrition action. It has been endorsed by the government of Japan, the SUN Movement, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, USAID and many others, ahead of the Nutrition for Growth Summit 2021. Anyone can sign up for an account to register a commitment.
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