Country government


Nutrition for Growth (N4G) commitment

Reported progress


Financial commitments
London 2013

1. Increase the resource allocation for nutrition and multi-sectoral involvement in the upcoming budgets.

2. Establish new budget lines in the Ministries of Health, Water and Environment, Food and Agriculture (including Fisheries) for nutrition programming.

Reported progress

Due to the current political crisis in Yemen, no progress made in regard to governmental financial allocations for multi-sectoral nutrition. Although, there is progress made in regard to including nutrition activities in the sectors' priorities and action plans. However, the humanitarian actors have increased the nutrition resource allocation in their budgets.

Off course
Basis of assessment

At least half of the individual commitment components are assessed to be off course.

Policy commitments
London 2013

1. Finalize national SUN plan.

2. Establish realistic targets for reducing stunting, wasting, food diversity, and food consumption.

3. Publish our spending on nutrition on the SUN movement website.

Reported progress

1. SUN Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Action Plan (MSNAP) was finalized in 2020.

2. Stunting and wasting targets were established in the MSNAP and Yemen Action Plan on Wasting (YAP). Targets for food diversity and food consumption are still required to be established.

3. Completed. SUN Yemen Secretariat reports the spending on nutrition annually.

Reached commitment
Basis of assessment

Reported progress in previous Global Nutrition Reports indicates that commitment has been achieved.

Program commitments
London 2013

1. Increase human resources for nutrition by 10%–20%.

2. Develop a real-time monitoring system to monitor the outcomes.

Reported progress

1. Completed

2. More support from the UN and donors is required

On course
Basis of assessment

At least half of the individual commitment components are assessed to be on course