Global Nutrition Report Blog

24 Oct 2014

Improving Accountability and Decision-Making for Nutrition: Can ICTs Fill the Data Gaps?

Inka Barnett | Institute of Development Studies

20 Oct 2014

A New Indicator for Global Assessment of Dietary Diversity Among Women

Yves Martin | Prével (IRD, France)

16 Oct 2014

Nutrition by the Numbers: Feeding the Data Revolution

Shawn Baker | Chief Nutritionist for the U.S. Agency for International Development

13 Oct 2014

Closing the Gap on Acute Malnutrition

Sabrina de Souza | Action Against Hunger

10 Oct 2014

Resources Supporting a World Free from Hidden Hunger

Klaus Kraemer | Sight and Life

12 Sep 2014

Towards the Next Horizon for Nutrition - Capacity Development

Klaus Kraemer | Sight and Life

29 Aug 2014

Does Fortifying Food Improve Nutrition for the Poorest People?

Ewan Robinson, Institute of Development Studies and Martha Nyagaya, Irish Aid

28 Aug 2014

How U.S. Citizens Can Hold their Government Accountable for Preventing and Reversing Malnutrition

Marion Nestle | New York University

13 Aug 2014

Measuring the Burden of Severe Acute Malnutrition: Current Challenges

André Briend, Department for International Health, University of Tampere School of Medicine and Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen

05 Aug 2014

2nd IEG Meeting - Personal Reflections

Yves Martin | Prével (IRD, France)

03 Aug 2014

Invest in Protecting Babies

Annelies Allain | Director IBFAN-ICDC