2020 Global Nutrition Report

The 2020 Global Nutrition Report looks beyond global and national patterns, revealing significant inequalities in nutrition outcomes within countries and populations. Based on the best-available data, in-depth analysis and expert opinion rooted in evidence, the report identifies critical actions to achieve nutrition equity. Everyone deserves access to healthy, affordable food and quality nutrition care. Photo: UNICEF/Vishwanathan.

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The 2020 Global Nutrition Report in the context of Covid-19

The Global Nutrition Report's emphasis on nutritional well-being for all, particularly the most vulnerable, has a heightened significance in the face of this new global threat. The need for more equitable, resilient and sustainable food and health systems has never been more urgent.

Read The foreword

Executive summary

Malnutrition remains a pressing global challenge. Some progress has been made towards ending malnutrition. But this progress has been slow and deeply unfair. Now is the time to take action and overcome the barriers holding back progress to end malnutrition.

Read The summary

Chapter One

Introduction: towards global nutrition equity

The vision of a world free from malnutrition means leaving no one behind. Understand why equity is the missing piece in the puzzle for ending malnutrition – and how a pro-equity agenda is needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Read chapter one

Chapter Two

Inequalities in the global burden of malnutrition

Learn about how the burden of malnutrition is unequally distributed by examining factors such as location, age, sex, wealth and education. What progress is being made towards meeting nutrition targets at the global, regional and national levels?

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Chapter Three

Mainstreaming nutrition within universal health coverage

Nutrition care should form part of the wider package of primary healthcare. The commitment to provide universal health coverage presents an opportunity to make this a reality. Explore the benefits and challenges of mainstreaming nutrition care using the health system framework.

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Chapter Four

Food systems and nutrition equity

Food systems need to change: inequities currently impact the quality, availability and affordability of food. Explore how nutrition outcomes could be improved by rethinking food systems – especially the food environment – to ensure that healthy and sustainably produced food is the most accessible, affordable and desirable choice for all.

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Chapter Five

Equitable financing for nutrition

More investments and strengthened accountability will be needed to meet global nutrition goals. Whether using traditional resources or innovative approaches, financing should target those most in need. What might equity-focused investments to improve nutrition look like?

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Chapter Six

Ensuring equitable nutrition: a collective responsibility

We all have a role to play in ending malnutrition, and we must act now. From health systems to food systems, coordination, finance, and accountability – we can do better. Adopting a pro-equity agenda is vital to improve nutrition outcomes and ensure no one is left behind.

Read chapter six

Acronyms and abbreviations

A list of the acronyms and abbreviations we have used across the report

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Shareable definitions of the terms we have used across the report

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Endorsements, acknowledgements and suggested citation

Endorsements of the report, thanks to those involved in creating it and a suggestion for how to cite it

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Dataset and metadata

The data, metadata and technical note used for the 2020 Global Nutrition Report

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appendix one

Appendix 1: Nutrition indicators

The indicators the 2020 Global Nutrition Report uses to track progress on malnutrition

Read appendix one

appendix two

Appendix 2: Assessing progress against the global nutrition targets

How the 2020 Global Nutrition Report tracks global and country progress against the global nutrition targets using the latest available data

Read appendix two

appendix three

Appendix 3: Countries on track for the 2025 global nutrition targets

The 2020 Global Nutrition Report's assessment of country-level progress towards eight of the ten 2025 global nutrition targets

Read appendix three

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