Invest in nutrition-related programmes
Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany
Targeted location (aggregate) |
Global - |
Verification status | Verified Find out more |
Commitment description
Germany commits to spend 580 Mio. Euro in in the field of nutrition between 2022-2025, including the support to Rome-based agencies and nutrition-related bilateral programmes. This amount does not exclude further commitments at a later stage.
Global Nutrition Targets
Under-5 stunting
Under-5 wasting
Adult obesity
Under-5 overweight
Low birthweight
Exclusive breastfeeding
Nutrition Action Classification across all goals
- Financial
- Operational
- Leadership and governance
- Research monitoring and data
- Food environment
- Food supply chain
- Consumer knowledge
- Nutrition care services
- Undernutrition
- Diet
- Obesity and diet-related NCDs
- Food and nutrition security
N4G themes covered by goals
- Food
- Health
- Resilience
- Data
- Financing
Total funding and costs across all goals
Funders | Government of Germany |
Funding mechanism | Public |
Cost secured | The funding is secured |
Total costs estimated | Yes, and the amount publicly disclosed |
Currency | (EUR) - Euro |
Cost amount | 580,000,000.0 |
$USD equivalent | 686,000,000.0 (World Bank average exchange rate for 2021) |