
Investing in mycoprotein research

Private sector - food business / United Kingdom

Quorn Foods

Commitment made: 08 Dec 2021
Related event: 2021 Tokyo N4G Summit
Targeted location (aggregate)

National - Investment in research is currently UK focused but will seek to fund research in additional geographies as appropriate

Verification status Verified Find out more

Commitment description

We will invest £1m a year by 2023 to develop the scientific study of and evidence base for the role of mycoprotein production and consumption in healthy diets, health outcomes, and food system resilience for environmental sustainability.

Global Nutrition Targets

Adult obesity
Adult diabetes

Nutrition Action Classification across all goals


  • Financial
  • Operational
  • Leadership and governance
  • Research monitoring and data


  • Food environment
  • Food supply chain
  • Consumer knowledge
  • Nutrition care services


  • Undernutrition
  • Diet
  • Obesity and diet-related NCDs
  • Food and nutrition security

N4G themes covered by goals

  • Food
  • Health
  • Resilience
  • Data
  • Financing

Total funding and costs across all goals

Funders Quorn Foods
Funding mechanism Private
Cost secured There is a research budget which was in place in 2022 and remains so for 2023
Total costs estimated Yes, and the amount disclosed to GNR only

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