
Policy commitment

Government / Nepal

National Planning Commission , Government of Nepal

Partner organisations:
Academic or non-academic research institution: Tribhuwan University, Kathmandu University, Purbanchal Univeristy
Country government at any administrative level: Ministry of Health and Population; Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development; Ministry of Industries Commerce and Supplies; Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration; Ministry of Education, Science and Technology; Ministry of Water Supply; Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens
Donor government: USAID, EU, World Bank, FCDO
Civil society organisation (CSO) or non-governmental organisation (NGO): Helen Keller International, Action Contre La Faim, Civil Society Network for Nutrition, Nepali Technical Assistance Group
Multilateral organisations, including United Nations (UN) agencies: UNICEF, WHO, WFP, FAO
Commitment made: 06 Dec 2021
Related event: 2021 Tokyo N4G Summit | 2021 UN Food Systems Summit
Targeted location (aggregate)

National - Federal and provincial Governments, and 753 municipalities

Verification status Verified Find out more

Commitment description

The Government of Nepal commits to improving the policy environment for equitable and effective delivery of nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive services. This will be achieved by endorsing Mother’s Milk Substitute (control of sale and distribution) Act; enacting a provision of six months maternity leave; developing nutrition specific/sensitive sectoral policies and plans; developing standards for food fortification/packaged /processed food, labeling packaged foods and regulating the production, promotion and consumption of unhealthy food; and implementing costed Multisectoral Nutrition Plan and 5-Year Action Plan for National Nutrition Strategy implemented across the 753 municipalities. The progress will be assessed through review of Acts, policies, plans and programs and regular rigorous monitoring of their implementation. Approximately NPR. 687 million has been estimated for 9 years by the Government of Nepal to cover associated costs and will be partially supported by development partners and civil societies.

Global Nutrition Targets

Under-5 stunting
Under-5 wasting
Adult obesity
Under-5 overweight
Low birthweight
Exclusive breastfeeding
Salt/sodium intake

Nutrition Action Classification across all goals


  • Financial
  • Operational
  • Leadership and governance
  • Research monitoring and data


  • Food environment
  • Food supply chain
  • Consumer knowledge
  • Nutrition care services


  • Undernutrition
  • Diet
  • Obesity and diet-related NCDs
  • Food and nutrition security

N4G themes covered by goals

  • Food
  • Health
  • Resilience
  • Data
  • Financing

Total funding and costs across all goals

Funders Federal and provincial Governments, and 753 municipalities
Funding mechanism Public
Cost secured Not Applicable
Total costs estimated Yes, and the amount disclosed to GNR only

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