
Reduce chronic malnutrition children <5

Government / Mozambique

Secretariat for Food Security and Nutrition

Partner organisations:
Country government at any administrative level: Ministry of Health (MISAU)
Commitment made: 29 Nov 2021
Related event: 2021 Tokyo N4G Summit
Targeted location (aggregate)

National - The focus of the indicator is nation-wide.

Verification status Find out more

Commitment description

The Government of Mozambique commits to reduce chronic malnutrition for children aged 0-5 years, from 38% in 2020 to 30% in 2030. This is in line with the vision and objectives outlined in the National Strategy for Food Security and Nutrition 2020-2030 (ESAN III).

Global Nutrition Targets

Under-5 stunting

Nutrition Action Classification across all goals


  • Financial
  • Operational
  • Leadership and governance
  • Research monitoring and data


  • Food environment
  • Food supply chain
  • Consumer knowledge
  • Nutrition care services


  • Undernutrition
  • Diet
  • Obesity and diet-related NCDs
  • Food and nutrition security

N4G themes covered by goals

  • Food
  • Health
  • Resilience
  • Data
  • Financing

Total funding and costs across all goals

Funders National budget allocation as well as development partners to be confirmed
Funding mechanism Public budget and development partners
Cost secured 10% of the total budget was secured to cover 2021
Total costs estimated Yes, and the amount disclosed to GNR only

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