
At least 80,000 smallholder households accessing, and 20 percent using, at least five improved crop varieties; and adopting at least six good agricultural practices, with at least a 20 percent increase in the women's empowerment in agriculture index and a 30 percent increase in household dietary diversity scores. https://www.cgiar.org/initiative/22-market-driven-resilient-and-nutritious-agrifood-systems-in-the-humid-zones-of-west-and-central-africa/

FROM Commitment: CGIAR work to improve global nutrition

Civil Society Organisation / France


Date made: 15 Dec 2021
Related event: Other event | 2021 Tokyo N4G Summit | 2021 UN Food Systems Summit
Verification status Partially Verified Find out more
NAF SMARTness index Lower moderate Find out more
Targeted location Global - Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Rwanda
Targeted population Overall population (all ages, both sexes)
Primary indicator Number of smallholder households with access to climate-resilient nutrient-dense crop varieties, and number of those using five climate resilient, nutrient-dense crop varieties and 6 good agronomic practices.
Primary indicator baseline pending confirmation from research team
Primary indicator target At least 80,000 smallholder households will have access to climate-resilient nutrient-dense crop varieties, and at least 16,000 of them will use five climate resilient, nutrient-dense crop varieties and 6 good agronomic practices.
Duration January, 2022 - January, 2025

Goal action plan

With partners, CGIAR will work with value chain actors to improve production of quality seed and crops, post-harvest handling, and consumption practices that support food and nutrition security; promote increased diversity of household production systems; ensure stakeholders have access to climate information and personalized agronomic practices; and improve women and youth empowerment to ensure increased control of resources by women and other marginalized groups, among other strategies.

Nutrition Action Classification


  • Financial
  • Operational
  • Leadership and governance
  • Research monitoring and data


  • Food environment
  • Food supply chain
  • Consumer knowledge
  • Nutrition care services


  • Undernutrition
  • Diet
  • Obesity and diet-related NCDs
  • Food and nutrition security

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