
ACCOUNTABLE INSTITUTIONS: 40 governments and global actors make policy, legal, system or public investment (towards 5% of GDP) changes to meet children’s right to health and nutrition

FROM Commitment: Healthy Start & Resilient Families

Civil Society Organisation / United Kingdom

Save the Children International

Date made: 05 Nov 2021
Related event: 2021 Tokyo N4G Summit
Verification status Verified Find out more
NAF SMARTness index High Find out more
Targeted location Global - We will deliver on this commitment through our work in around 40+ countries. Health and Nutrition Global Portfolio, held in 5 Regions. Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Fiji, China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Laos, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vanuatu and …
Targeted population Overall population (all ages, both sexes)
Population coverage 105,000,000.0
Primary indicator Number of governments and global actors make policy, legal, system or public investment (towards 5% of GDP) changes to meet children’s right to health and nutrition
Primary indicator baseline 0
Primary indicator target 40
Duration January, 2022 - December, 2024

Goal action plan

We will continue to prioritise the following areas that require sustained attention and have become even more important due to the pandemic, climate change and conflict:

• Equitable health and nutrition systems and UHC – strengthening resilient and equitable health and nutrition systems and access to essential quality services, prioritising primary healthcare and community systems. Focusing on health system gaps and services that must be strengthened and/or integrated into national health systems (e.g. nutrition). Tackling financial and non-financial barriers to accessing services.

• Sufficient and sustainable financing to deliver health and nutrition for all – increased public investment in health and nutrition (traditional and innovative approaches), budget advocacy, removal of user fees, bilateral and multilateral aid and support.

• Improved health and nutrition in humanitarian contexts – improved access to priority interventions essential in these settings and for excluded groups, including donor support with long-term HSS financing, flexible funding, and action to treat and prevent acute malnutrition.

• Stronger accountability, civic space, and child participation – ensuring governments, multilaterals and private sector are held accountable for commitments and obligations, leveraging mechanisms at all levels. Advocating for safe spaces for civil society. Supporting and empowering CSOs, communities, and in particular children and youth, to meaningfully engage in health and nutrition governance, decision making and monitoring.

We will increase our work in the following areas, which are important to delivering on the above priorities:

• Tackling equity, gender equality and social and political determinants of health and nutrition – prioritising equity and the most deprived and marginalised children and their communities, calling for action to address these underlying determinants. Focus on gender equality and improved women's and girl's - especially adolescent - health and nutrition.

• Private sector engagement and influencing, including to tackle commercial determinants of health and nutrition – increasing efforts to ensure the private sector becomes a real force for social progress and accountable for contributing to the SDGs, including by engaging our corporate partners.

• Focusing on vulnerabilities and impacts of climate change on the health and nutrition of poor and vulnerable communities – ensuring the impact of climate change on children’s health and nutrition are understood and acted upon

• Addressing determinants of malnutrition and food insecurity holistically – prioritising efforts to protect and support food security, famine prevention, livelihoods and access to nutritious food in an integrated way

• Integrating health, nutrition and other sectors – linking our health and nutrition advocacy with other priority areas, including WASH, social protection, education and child protection

Nutrition Action Classification


  • Financial
  • Operational
  • Leadership and governance
  • Research monitoring and data


  • Food environment
  • Food supply chain
  • Consumer knowledge
  • Nutrition care services


  • Undernutrition
  • Diet
  • Obesity and diet-related NCDs
  • Food and nutrition security

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