
Providing 210,000 people with the information on Smart WASHOKU in SNS by 2025

FROM Commitment: Workforce Nutrition with Smart WASHOKU

Private sector - non-food business / Japan

Kao Corporation

Date made: 26 Oct 2021
Related event: 2021 Tokyo N4G Summit
Verification status Verified Find out more
NAF SMARTness index High Find out more
Targeted location National - Kao employees and families in Japan and Residents and employees of local governments and companies which are interested in our programs and willing to pay our service programs.
Targeted population Overall population (all ages, both sexes)
Primary indicator Cumulative number of viewers of published information on our website and SNS
Primary indicator baseline 0 people
Primary indicator target 210,000 people
Duration January, 2022 - December, 2025

Goal action plan

The information and the recipes on Smart WASHOKU will be published openly, through our website and SNS (YouTube, Instagram, etc.)

Nutrition Action Classification


  • Financial
  • Operational
  • Leadership and governance
  • Research monitoring and data


  • Food environment
  • Food supply chain
  • Consumer knowledge
  • Nutrition care services


  • Undernutrition
  • Diet
  • Obesity and diet-related NCDs
  • Food and nutrition security

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