
Reduce the prevalence of anaemia in women of reproductive age from 32% to 19%

FROM Commitment: Uganda: Improving the Nutrition Status

Government / Uganda

Office of the Prime Minister- Uganda

Partner organisations:
Country government at any administrative level (functioning in a non-donor capacity), such as ministry, municipality or any other national/regional/local authority or body: Ministry of Kampala Capital City and Metropolitan Affairs
Country government at any administrative level: Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Public Service, Ministry of Lands Housing and Urban Development, Ministry of Information and information Technology and National Guidance
Date made: 29 Oct 2021
Related event: 2021 Tokyo N4G Summit | 2021 UN Food Systems Summit
Verification status Verified Find out more
NAF SMARTness index High Find out more
Targeted location National - Commitment goal guides nutrition related programming across the entire country with emphasis on high prevalence area (those faced with high incidence of drivers of mal nutrition) and most vulnerable groups (children under five years, school-age children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating …
Targeted population Specific population group(s)
Targeted population specific age Women of reproductive age
Targeted population sex Only girls/women
Primary indicator Prevalence (%) of anaemia in women of reproductive age
Primary indicator baseline 0.32
Primary indicator target 0.19
Duration July, 2020 - June, 2025

Goal action plan

Government of Uganda through the UNAP policy guidance for nutrition programming appreciates the fact that that nutrition is central to national development through human capital development, increased productivity and ultimately the sustainable transformation of our country; the double burden of malnutrition characterized with diet-related non-communicable diseases is increasing and so is undernutrition; especially among children and women of reproductive age and other vulnerable groups.

Strengthening coordination of implementation of interventions and priority actions outlined in the 'UNAP II' is critical. Government through the UNAP II commits to strengthen multisectoral/ whole of government approach to enhance nutrition; mindful of joint responsibility at all levels and with all stakeholders to accelerate progress towards attaining better nutrition outcomes in Uganda. Adopt deliberate measures to enhance UNAP II implementing Ministries, Departments and Agencies integrate nutrition related actions in policies, strategies, programmes, plans and enhance effective implementation of MDA nutrition actions.

Specifically: strengthening the multisectoral platform to enhance mainstreaming nutrition service delivery; health, trade and industry, agriculture, animal industry and fisheries, lands housing and urban development, refugees and disaster management, behavioral and mindset change among others to promote nutrition for all (focus on those most left behind with investments targeting women, children elderly refugees, persons with vulnerabilities due to location to enable improved livelihoods, resilient communities to the growing number of shocks caused by climate extremities);

Foster coherency of whole of government/ multi sectoral approach of action beyond the individual UNAP implementing MDAs while allowing lead MDA steward interventions in line with its mandate to further the significance of nutrition in nation building and development;

The UNAP further indicates Government commitment to Consolidating action to building food systems that Promote safe, sustainable, and healthy diets while supporting nature biodiversity as underscored in the concluded food systems Summit with emphasis on country position.

Build partnerships with the business community where government commits to establishing and building a robust nutrition related business network/ platform to scale engagement with the business fraternity at all levels.

Champion awareness and behavioral change related interventions informed by key drivers of malnutrition while being sensitive to the local context. NB Coordination architecture to governments, donors, and multilaterals remain key for delivery of multi-year flexible financing that help chronically at-risk people meet immediate needs, address long term needs, underlying causes and factors in shocks, and enable the scale up of rapid and early response to shocks.

Nutrition Action Classification


  • Financial
  • Operational
  • Leadership and governance
  • Research monitoring and data


  • Food environment
  • Food supply chain
  • Consumer knowledge
  • Nutrition care services


  • Undernutrition
  • Diet
  • Obesity and diet-related NCDs
  • Food and nutrition security

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