
Strengthen human capital (Well-nourished children develop properly physically and intellectually and become builders of a better future. Good nutrition is therefore the guarantor of productive human capital)

FROM Commitment: Reduce the rate of stunting

Government / Burundi


Partner organisations:
Private sector food business: SUN Business Network (SBN)
Civil society organisation (CSO) or non-governmental organisation (NGO): RSC/SUN Réseau de la Société Civil pour le Renforcement de la Nutrition
Donor government: Word Bank, USAID, SDC, France Coopération, EU, Netherlannd Embassy, KfW Development Bank
Multilateral organisations, including United Nations (UN) agencies: UNICEF, WFP, UNFPA, UN Women, UNHCR, UNDP, FAO, FIDA
Country government at any administrative level: There are nine Ministries which are directly involved in the Multisectoral Platform. - the Ministry having the Interior and Community Development in its attributions; - the Ministry having Finance in its attributions: - the Ministry having Social Affairs in its attributions; - the Ministry having National Education and Research in its attributions: - the Ministry having Public Health in its attributions; - the Ministry having Agriculture in its attributions; - the Ministry having Hydraulics in its attributions; - the Ministry having Trade in its attributions: - the Ministry having Communication in its attributions
Date made: 09 Jan 2022
Related event: 2021 Tokyo N4G Summit | 2021 UN Food Systems Summit
Verification status Partially Verified Find out more
NAF SMARTness index Lower moderate Find out more
Targeted location National - We will act at national level in order to get a Burundi where each individual has food in quality and quantity, a sufficiently productive human capital and a sustainable development.
Targeted population Overall population (all ages, both sexes)
Population coverage 12,000,000.0
Primary indicator Gross domestic product (GDP)
Primary indicator baseline DND
Primary indicator target will be specified
Duration May, 2020 - May, 2027

Goal action plan

Globally, Transforming food systems to make them highly accessible, healthy, sustainable and resilient

> Planning and programming of multisectoral interventions ;

Operationalization of the Multisectoral Monitoring and Evaluation System

> Strengthen social protection mechanisms ;

> Promote the adoption of improved behaviors that can contribute to the achievement of

sustainable change;

> Strengthen the community approach to nutrition education with the effective community participation ;

Scaling up and strengthening the integrated nutrition package

Micronutrient supplementation and deworming of children under 5 years of age

> Training of human resources to intervene effectively for a better understanding of the

effective nutritional management of patients and proper project management and

related programs

Diversification and sustainable intensification of food production

Nutrition Action Classification


  • Financial
  • Operational
  • Leadership and governance
  • Research monitoring and data


  • Food environment
  • Food supply chain
  • Consumer knowledge
  • Nutrition care services


  • Undernutrition
  • Diet
  • Obesity and diet-related NCDs
  • Food and nutrition security

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