Government / Côte d'Ivoire

Gouvernement de Côte d'Ivoire


Create an innovative financing mechanism involving the private sector by 2023;

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Financial
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

Increase the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Impact > Diet
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

Develop a contingency plan for nutritional and food resilience by 2023.

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Leadership and governance
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

Maintain the national financial contribution of 15% of the budget of the National Multisectoral Nutrition Plan 2022-2026, and focus on data management;

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Financial
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

Achieve the process led by the Cote d'Ivoire to make 2022 a year of the AU dedicated to nutrition and food systems by February 2022.

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Leadership and governance
  • Goal SMARTness index: Lower moderate

Raise, to at least 80%, the rate of health establishments offering nutrition services within the framework of Universal Health Coverage by 2025;

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Policy > Nutrition care services
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

Reduce prevalence of wasting (acute malnutrition) in children under 5 years

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Impact > Undernutrition
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

Reduce prevalence of stunting (chronic malnutrition) in children under 5 years

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Impact > Undernutrition
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

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