Government / Benin

Secretariat Permanant du CAN (SP/CAN)


Increase the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding from 42% to 52%

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Impact > Diet
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

Maintain acute malnutrition rate for children under five at less than 5% by 2030

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Impact > Undernutrition
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

By 2030, strengthen the governance and authority of CAN and SP/CAN at the national level, through law-making, policy development and food and nutrition planning.

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Leadership and governance
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

By June 2030, validate and make available (i) the strategy for the control of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) and sectoral guidelines for the control of IDD, (ii) the strategy for …

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Research monitoring and data
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

Reduce the prevalence of stunting in children under five to less than 30% by 2030.

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Impact > Undernutrition
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

Maintain the rate of households using iodised salt at over 90% by 2030

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Impact > Diet
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

By 2030, pilot and scale up the food, nutrition and health programme for pregnant women in at least 50% of Benin's communes.

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Policy > Nutrition care services
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

Reduce anaemia in pregnant women by 50% by 2030.

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Impact > Undernutrition
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

Increase the budget allocated to nutrition by 50% and ensure that at least 80% of it is disbursed for development activities by 2030.

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Financial
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

By 2030, raise the level of representativeness of food and nutrition departments within the ministries involved in nutrition (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Social Affairs, etc.) to …

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Leadership and governance
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

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