Donor organisation / United States of America

World Bank Group


World Bank (IDA and IBRD) plans to commit up to US$2.5 billion of financing to nutrition-contributing activities during FYs 21 and 22, and we expect to be able to maintain, …

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Financial
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

Contribute to achieving the WHA global nutrition targets and SDGs through WBG's Agriculture and Food and Nutrition Security portfolio at global and country levels through a series of policy commitments, …

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Leadership and governance
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

Contribute to achieving the WHA global nutrition targets and SDGs through WBG's Social Protection and Jobs portfolio through a series of policy commitments, including: Mainstream nutrition in social protection portfolio: …

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Research monitoring and data
  • Goal SMARTness index: Lower moderate

Contributing to achieving the WHA global nutrition targets and SDGs through IFC's investment operations including: Mainstreaming nutrition in IFC portfolio: Continue to assess each individual investment for its nutritional impacts …

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Research monitoring and data
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

Contribute to achieving the WHA global nutrition targets and SDGs through the mantra of more money for nutrition and more nutrition for the money at global and country levels, including: …

  • Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Leadership and governance
  • Goal SMARTness index: High

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