Aliko Dangote Foundation
Nutrition for Growth (N4G) commitment
Reported progress
To engage, motivate, and improve workplace wellbeing of over 25,000 workforce of Dangote Group through employee nutrition services.
A) Aliko Dangote Foundation Workforce Nutrition (ADFWfN) Programme: As a step towards rolling out the Foundation’s Workforce Nutrition Programme, ADF has consistently joined the rest of the world to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week since 2018 with a series of activities targeted at the staff of Dangote Industries Limited (Nigeria and Pan Africa) with a workforce of over 40,000 through e-mail communications, 200-300 through seminars/ webinars, quiz competitions, news, and social media activities. This prompted the review of the existing Maternity leave policy and some business units are in discussions with HR to work on safe breastfeeding rooms within the offices. A lactation room would be launched at the HQ of Dangote Industries Limited before the end of 2022.
Breastfeeding policy -40000
Nutrition policy 500
Reported progress indicates this commitment is on course
At Aliko Dangote Foundation, by 2025 we commit US$100 million by 2025:
-To reduce the prevalence of undernutrition by 60% by 2025 by breaking the vicious cycle of poverty and malnutrition through a combination of proven nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions.
-To treat at least 1,000,000 children with SAM using a CMAM approach, and reach their households with engendered optimal nutrition, hygiene and care-seeking behaviours, improved food security and livelihoods, which increase access to a diverse nutritious diet, especially among women.
B) Banking on Nutrition (BON) Partnership: BON partnership was designed and implemented with African Development Bank, Big Win Philanthropy, and Aliko Dangote Foundation to engender a multisectoral response with an enhanced focus on nutrition and investment in grey matter infrastructure as part of the Bank’s human capital development strategy to boost the economic returns on its portfolio. The partnership aims to generate long-term economic growth across Africa by unlocking the nutrition potential of the African Development Bank’s (the Bank) investment portfolio. BoN partnership focuses on 3 approaches,
1. Integrate nutrition into the Bank’s portfolio and pipeline, including regional and country strategies, lending programs, non-lending programs, and other activities.
2. Increase the production and consumption of safe and nutritious foods through partnerships with regional member countries and regional and private sector partners.
3. Encourage regional member countries to prioritize nutrition-smart lending requests and investments that deliver greater social and economic return alongside achieving nutrition impact, representing better outcomes for citizens and the wider economy.
Some of the BoN partnership progress include:
1. Situational analysis of nutrition for the African Development Bank, which identified the Bank’s comparative advantages in relation to key global nutrition stakeholders.
2. A synthesis of evidence of multi-sectoral approaches for improved nutrition.
3. Development of the Bank’s 5-year Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Action Plan and provision of technical oversight and strategic support to guide its implementation.
4. As part of the collaboration with Nutrition International, a toolkit was developed to guide the Bank’s project task managers and country economists in integrating nutrition into sector projects and Country Strategy Papers.
5. Six short videos were developed to sensitize staff and the Bank’s managers on the importance of nutrition and the Bank’s nutrition agenda.
6. The toolkit and videos are publicly available on the ALN webpage of the Bank’s website, and on Nutrition International’s Bank Nutrition Resources Site.
7. The Bank implements nutrition in the workplace by improving the hygiene conditions and quality of the menu of meals provided within the Bank’s offices in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
8. Through the nutrition in the workplace initiative, the Bank recruited a nutrition specialist to provide nutrition counseling and dietary advice in the Medical Center and organized nutrition week.
9. From 2015-2020, the BON Partnership has achieved: about US$2.3 billion allocated to nutrition smart projects in the Bank; 18% of Bank projects are now nutrition smart; and 21% of project interventions prioritize focus on women and children.
Reported progress indicates this commitment is on course