Nutrition for Growth (N4G) commitment
Reported progress
CIFF commits up to a further USD $700 million to address undernutrition, totalling USD $793 million over the period 2013-2020. The large majority of this will be focused on nutrition-specific interventions.
Nutrition-specific, 2015
Commitments: US$77,973,107
Disbursements: US$53,607,498
Nutrition-sensitive, 2015
Commitments: US$94,996,969
Disbursements: US$20,724,715
Please note: The field ‘Financial Commitment 2015’ reflects the Multi-Year Value (MYV) of investments approved in the year 2015 and NOT Annual Year Commitments.
Nutrition-specific, 2016
Commitments: US$7,477,358
Disbursements: US$32,783,795
Nutrition-sensitive, 2016
Commitments: US$55,706,401
Disbursements: US$21,595,288
Nutrition-specific, 2017
Commitments: US$3,537,625
Disbursements: US$63,180,480
Nutrition-sensitive, 2017
-Nutrition-sensitive 100%: $33,192,186
-Nutrition-sensitive 25%: $10,537,777
-Nutrition-sensitive 100%: US$35,471,336
-Nutrition-sensitive 25%: US$3,066,459
Nutrition-specific, 2018
Commitments: US$14,008,346
Disbursements: US$24,413,494
Nutrition-sensitive, 2018
Commitments: US$87,216,497
Disbursements: US$49,409,007
Nutrition-specific, 2019
Commitments: US$21,900,000
Disbursements: US$14,576,945
Nutrition-sensitive, 2019
Commitments: US$97,540,589
Disbursements: US$70,132,065
Nutrition-specific, 2020
Commitments: US$ 30,298,571
Disbursements: US$ 19,027,039
Nutrition-sensitive, 2020
Commitments: US$ 47,423,509
Disbursements: US$ 68,617,123
Assuming a linear rate of progress, the cumulative commitments and disbursements for 2013-2020 (US$1,058,414,179) are above the amount in the original commitment (US$793,000,000)</p
CIFF intends to develop, together with the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the UBS Optimus Foundation, a new catalytic financing facility for nutrition that will aim to attract and incentivize new private and philanthropic funds, alongside increased domestic budgets, to accelerate the scaling up of prioritized high-impact nutrition programs in partner countries. 2015 update: CIFF is currently investing in a number of key ways to address undernutrition and has over the last year committed over US$90 million. Today, CIFF commits up to a further US$700 million to address undernutrition, totalling US$793 million over the period 2013–2020. The large majority of this will be focused on nutrition-specific interventions. This is a historic and transformational commitment for CIFF, because of the importance and urgency we attach to addressing immediately and seriously the continued obscenity of undernutrition of children in developing countries. We intend to use this finance to support partnerships with those countries which are demonstrating political commitment and leadership and shared responsibility with credible plans which are being implemented at scale, and which are transparently measuring progress and results.
Power of Nutrition was established in 2015 with three anchor funders (including CIFF), and to-date, it has secured a total committed funds of $169.8m for investment purposes. Coupled with government and other implementing partners, philanthropic and development funders and private sector co-funding, Power of Nutrition’s current portfolio represents a total co-investment value of $540m. With 18 investments across 14 countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, Power of Nutrition has enabled over 92 million people (including approximately 48 million children under age 5, 21.5 million adolescents, and more than 22 million women of reproductive age) to access health and nutrition interventions addressing all forms of malnutrition – underweight, stunting, wasting, micronutrient deficiencies and even a partial expansion into overweight and obesity.
CIFF has partnered with UNICEF, BMGF and other funders to create a new ecosystem for wasting financing, allowing countries to unlock matched funding with domestic allocations for wasting treatment. The partnership will also fund the development of costed country roadmaps to bring prevention, early detection and treatment together within health systems. This effort will support a system change approach, working closely with governments to strengthen primary health and community systems to ensure that wasting prevention, early detection and treatment is integrated into routine services for children.
CIFF has also invested in partnerships to strengthen the uptake of nutrition preventive interventions and test the integration of community-based management of uncomplicated cases of moderate and severe acute malnutrition through community health programmes in Kenya, Rwanda and Burkina Faso. Additionally, we are building on CIFF’s upstream efforts and connecting them to critical midstream and downstream efforts to address production, distribution, and consumption of nutritious foods by supporting governments to deliver interventions that integrate health and agriculture services to address malnutrition among children and pregnant and lactating women in Ethiopia.
CIFF has continued to play a key role in funding evidence generation for prevention of Low Birth Weight by addressing anemia during pregnancy, using conditional cash transfers, innovative social and behavior change communication, improving antenatal care and community engagement in India. We are also closely working with partner countries for scale up of evidence-based interventions, such as multiple micronutrient supplements (MMS) for pregnant women in Bangladesh and Ethiopia.
At least half of the individual commitment components are assessed to be on course