Country government

Côte d'Ivoire

Nutrition for Growth (N4G) commitment

Reported progress


Financial commitments
London 2013

Increase government budget allocations to support the building plan.

Reported progress

No response

No response
Milan 2017

Contribute 15% of the overall cost to implement the National Multisectoral Nutrition Plan, which will represent 70 million USD over 5 years.

Reported progress

No response

No response
Impact commitments
Milan 2017

Increase rates of exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months from 23% to 72% by 2025.

Reported progress

No response

No response
London 2013

1. Reduce the prevalence of chronic malnutrition, from 29.8% to 20% in 2018.

2. Reduce the rate of acute malnutrition at the national level of 7.1% to less than 5% by 2018, focusing on areas of high prevalence.

3. Eliminate by 2018 all the problems related to iodine deficiency, strengthening legislation, by controlling the quality of the salt in the border areas and in sentinel community sites and in promoting consumption of iodized salt.

Reported progress

No response

No response
New commitment - added in 2013

Ce sont faire passer le taux de l'allaitement exclusif de 12% à 50%, de maintenir le taux du surpoids chez les enfants en dessous de réduire l'anemie chez les enfants de 75% à 56% et chez la femme de 54% à 40,5%.

Increase exclusive breastfeeding from 12% to 50%, maintain overweight rate in children under 5%, reduce anemia in children from 75% to 56% and in women from 54% to 40.5%

Reported progress

No response

No response
Policy commitments
New commitment - added in 2013

Dans le cadre de la dernière Conference Internationale sur la Nutriton (CIN2), des engagements ont été pris et traduits dans le Plan National Multisectoriel de Nutrition 2016-2020.

Following the last International conference on nutrition (ICN2), commitments were made and translated into the multisectoral national nutrition plan 2016-2020.

Reported progress

No response

No response
Milan 2017

1. Create a favorable environment for nutrition by strengthening national laws and regulations.

2. Developing a multisectoral breastfeeding policy to provide mothers with a supportive breastfeeding environment so that children can benefit from the practice.

3. Setting up regional nutrition committees.

Reported progress

No response

No response
Program commitments
London 2013

Finalise a plan for the 2014–2018 period to strengthen nutrition interventions with high impact, based on the National Health Plan and the National Development Plan.

Reported progress

Reached commitment

Reached commitment
Basis of assessment

Reported progress in previous Global Nutrition Reports indicates that commitment has been achieved.