Nutrition for Growth (N4G) commitment
Reported progress
1. Government support to Nutrition Program ($3 million).
2. Multi-stakeholder strategy and costed workplan.
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Reduce Stunting from 42% (CFSNS 2010) to 35%
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1. Nutrition-sensitive and cost-effective interventions for nutrition programming, essential nutrition actions (ENA) in 10 counties.
2. Appointment of a national focal person and secretariat for SUN.
3. Complete National Strategy for Food Security and Nutrition Programs.
4. Establish a civil society platform.
5. Establish Donor Convener Platform.
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1. 19 hospitals with Inpatient Facility (IPF) to treat malnutrition with medical complication (readjusted after the sector review).
2. New commitment added in 2017: Targeted 91% Cure rate of children admitted in IPF.
3. New commitment added in 2017: 127 health facilities providing outpatient treatment services following EPHS principles
4. New commitment added in 2017: Biannual vitamin A and deworming campaign integrated with immunization campaigns
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