Nutrition for Growth (N4G) commitment
Reported progress
Increase funding for nutrition each year to reach 2.8 billion CFA francs per year in 2015. This direct investment will be increased to cover children and women with effective nutrition interventions.
The budget made available to the National Nutrition Development Council (CNDN ex CLM) from all sources was 6.5 billion CFA francs. This marks a certain stability in comparison with previous years. The overall financing of the Multisectoral Nutrition Strategic Plan has not yet been evaluated
Reported progress in previous Global Nutrition Reports indicates that commitment has been achieved.
1. Reduce stunting by 10%
2. Reduce wasting to less than 5%.
3. Address micronutrient deficiencies.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no large-scale nutritional survey could be organised.
1. Relevant sectors (health, agriculture, education, water, and social security) incorporate nutrition objectives into their policy documents and implement pro-nutrition interventions and strengthen interventions that have a strong impact on nutrition.
2. The high-level leadership of the government will ensure transparency and accountability of different stakeholders and a close monitoring of progress.
1. The Multisectoral Strategic Plan for Nutrition (MSPN 2018-2022) is made up of Sector Action Plans (SAPs) developed by the sectors and grouping together specific and sensitive high-impact nutrition interventions. Its implementation is monitored by the CNDN (ex CLM)
2. 2. In September 2020, the State of Senegal established the CNDN to replace the CLM. Following the removal of the Prime Minister's Office, the CNDN is anchored at the Secretariat General of the Government, which consecrates the commitment of the State and the maintenance of high leadership. This change consecrates the enlargement of the nutrition coordination body to new consultative bodies (High Council of Territorial Collectivities, Economic, Social and Environmental Council), to deliberative bodies (National Assembly) and to other stakeholders (development partners). It also enshrines the territorialisation of nutrition in terms of public policy by providing for the establishment of coordination and monitoring bodies at the deconcentrated and decentralised levels. The period in question saw the setting up of these structures and the organisation of the first meetings.
At least half of the individual commitment components are assessed to be on course
Strengthen services to community-based nutrition: the level of coverage of effective nutrition interventions for pregnant women and children under 2 years by 2020 is at least 90%.
After the resumption of community nutrition interventions following the covid-19-induced stoppage, the level of coverage has increased slightly. It will increase from 60% in 2020 to 65% by the end of 2021. With additional funding, this rate should increase to 80% by the end of 2022.
Reported progress states that the target will not be achieved within the original timeframe.