Nutrition for Growth (N4G) commitment
Reported progress
1. A total of 147 billion Tanzania shillings committed for nutrition interventions at all levels
2. Allocate a minimum budget for nutrition interventions in the plans and budget of regions and all local government authorities (municipal and district councils), calculated based on the number of children under 5 years in each council. Each child will be allocated TZS 500 (~ USD 0.23) in financial year 2016/17 and this amount will be gradually increased.
1. For the FY covering June 2021 to May 2022 the National Multisectoral Nutrition Plan estimated the sum of Tsh 147 Billion Tanzania shillings to finance interventions across the five systems. By the end of June 2022, the country used the sum of Tsh 88.2 Billion (please note the annual assessment is in progress and this number can change).
2. Reached commitment
Reported progress in previous Global Nutrition Reports indicates that commitment has been achieved.
1. Reducing prevalence of stunting by 15% by 2015.
2. Reducing wasting below 5% by 2015.
3. Increase exclusive breastfeeding from 50% to 60% by 2015.
4. Reduce prevalence of anaemia among pregnant women from 48% to 35% by 2015.
1. The National Nutrition Survey (TNNS) of 2018 indicated stunting was 31.8%.
2. 2018 TNNS indicated wasting was 3.5%- This target was met.
3. By 2018, EBF was 58% (this target was nearly met)
4. The current data that we have indicate prevalence of anemia among women of reproductive age was 28%. The 2015 TDHS revealed prevalence of anemia to pregnant women was 45%.
At least half of the individual commitment components are assessed to be on course
Carry out a Public Expenditure Review on nutrition.
Carry out a Public Expenditure Review on nutrition- The country conducted PER in 2014 and 2018- this commitments was met
Reported progress in previous Global Nutrition Reports indicates that commitment has been achieved.
Revise the National Food and Nutrition Policy and prepare a 10-year implementation strategy (2015/2016–2025/2026). Include nutrition in sector specific strategies or plans.
-The process of revising food and nutrition policy was initiated in 2016, the draft is still under review.
- The country mainstreamed nutrition in the National Five Years Development Plan (FYDP II & III), Health Sector Strategic Plan IV& V, and Agriculture Sector Development Plan II and in the Productive Social Safety Net Program II)
Reported progress in previous Global Nutrition Reports indicates that commitment has been achieved.
Increase awareness on nutrition at all levels, rolling out nutrition interventions and resource mobilization. Monitoring meetings for focal ministries are conducted by the Nutrition Secretariat every two months. Nutrition steering committee which consists of Secretaries of the ministries and District secretaries were conducted to brief the activities. It will be conducted every 3 months.
Monitoring-Monitoring meetings continued to be implemented at various levels. The Multisectoral Nutrition Action Plan identified 7 thermotic working groups including MYCAN, IMAM, Micronutrient, DRNCD, Nutrition Sensitive, Governance and Information system. These national TWGs met every quarter and there was one comprehensive National Multisectoral Nutrition TWG which were held semi annually. This structure extended to subnational level where every region and district implemented quarterly multisectoral nutrition committees.
High level steering committee meetings continue to be implemented twice annually bringing together Permanent Secretaries from all the nutrition sensitive sector who provides leadership guidance on issues brought by all the technical committees described above.
GoT and other nutrition stakeholder continued to promote awareness on nutrition using various approaches including SBCC (national SBCC Kit, 1000 days kit and village health and nutrition days) strengthening private sector engagement and community engagement.
Reported progress shows that awareness building and monitoring is ongoing