Vegan Society
Nutrition for Growth (N4G) commitment
Reported progress
• Second Dietitian post established in 2021 (first Dietitian post was established in 2016), helping to ensure that The Vegan Society’s work as an educational charity is evidence-based in the area of health and nutrition
• Online nutrition resources produced first-hand by Dietitian (originally shared in 2017, to replace previous nutrition resources supported by volunteer Dietitian) with ongoing review to help ensure that content is up-to-date and engaging – this includes comprehensive guidance about nutritional planning and guides for different life stages, e.g. pregnancy and breastfeeding, childhood
• The charity’s Dietitians are responding to queries from members and supporters about nutrition during pregnancy, breastfeeding and childhood
• The charity’s Dietitians are providing guidance to professionals and services involved in supporting people during pregnancy, breastfeeding and childhood, e.g. health and nutrition professionals and students, caterers
• The charity’s Dietitians are sharing reliable and helpful information about nutrition in the media and at events, including content relevant to pregnancy, breastfeeding and childhood
Reported progress shows positive progress towards this commitment