Nutrition for Growth (N4G) commitment
Reported progress
Provide US$3.04 million toward nutrition programs.
Reached commitment
Reported progress in previous Global Nutrition Reports indicates that commitment has been achieved.
1. Develop high-quality, validated, and costed national nutrition plan by end of 2013.
2. Ensure investment allocations for social services are nutrition sensitive (including health, agriculture, education, and social protection).
3. Enforce existing legal instruments and establish new ones as per need.
No response
1. Scale-up of food and nutrition security interventions, with a national coverage of >80% by 2020.
2. Fully establish financial as well as outcome/impact tracking system of food and nutrition interventions by 2014.
3. Ensure that the multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder policy implementation structures remain active and are accountable for implementation, monitoring and evaluation of nutrition response.
No response