NAF Commitment Progress Assessment Methodology
The Global Nutrition Report (GNR) has been synthesising and analysing the best available data on nutrition since its inception in 2014. Originating from the first Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit, the GNR continues to supply the evidence required to drive efforts toward eradicating malnutrition in all its forms. It has consistently tracked and monitored progress against commitments made since the London 2013 N4G Summit.
In 2021, the GNR introduced the Nutrition Action Framework (NAF), the world’s first independent and comprehensive platform for registering SMART nutrition commitments and monitoring nutrition action. Following the launch, 433 commitments were registered from 205 stakeholders.
The GNR sends notification to commitment-makers when it is time to report on the progress of their commitments. To support the reporting of progress on registered commitments, the GNR developed a standardised and comprehensive online form, referred to as the Commitment Progress Tracking Survey Form. Commitment-makers must report progress for each registered goal within their commitment(s).
The methodology presented here details the GNR’s approach to assessing those reports of progress on commitments registered in the NAF. This guide first provides an overview of the commitment progress assessment methodology. It then provides definitions of the assessment outcomes. The guide concludes with comprehensive examples of assessments across various outcomes and commitment goal types. In this document, commitment goals may be referred to simply as “goals.”
The GNR periodically invites the authorised representative from each nutrition commitment-making organisation to submit progress reports on their goals through an online form accessible through the NAF on the GNR website. The representative provides information on the indicators used to track progress, when and how often this progress is assessed, and any barriers or facilitators to achieving progress on their goals.
Once commitment-makers submit their progress reports, the GNR team exports the data and assesses progress by comparing the reported achievements against each goal’s baseline and target values established during the commitment-making process.
For commitment goals with numerical outcomes, progress is evaluated against the expected linear progress between the start and end dates. For example, a commitment goal starting January 2021 and ending September 2030 would have a timeframe of 9.75 years, expecting that it started January 1, 2021, and would end September 30, 2030. If progress was assessed in March 2023, the time period would be 2.25 years (time elapsed from January 1, 2021 through March 31, 2023). Once assessed, commitment goals are then assigned one of the following statuses: Reached by end date, Reached after end date, On Course, Off Course, or Not Reached. A goal is classified as Reached by end date if the reported amount is equal to, greater than, or within 1% (or 0.1% for percentages) of the target value. A goal is classified as Reached after end date if the reported amount is equal to, greater than, or within 1% (or 0.1% for percentages) of the target value after the goal end date. It is On Course if the progress is less than the target but within 1% (or 0.1% for percentages) of the expected progress for the period. It is Off Course if the progress is below the expected value and the 1% (or 0.1%) threshold. A goal is Not Reached if the target has not been met by the end date.
Goals with a non-numerical outcome (e.g. the establishment of a governmental body, or the publication of a food composition table) are classified based on the qualitative (and more subjective) nature of progress towards these goals. They may be Reached by end date, Reached after end date, In Progress, No Progress, or Not Reached. Such a goal is classified as Reached by end date when the progress report clearly states (or can be directly inferred) that the target has been fully met. It is classified as Reached after end date if the progress report clearly states (or can be directly inferred) that the target has been fully met after the goal end date. It is classified as In Progress if the reported progress clearly indicates that efforts have been made toward accomplishing the goal. It is classified as No Progress if no efforts have been made since the last reporting (or since baseline). It is classified as Not Reached if the end date has passed and the target is not reported as reached.
Goals may also receive a status of Withdrew, No Response, or Progress Not Able to Be Assessed. Goals are classified Withdrew if the commitment-maker has withdrawn the goal or indicated that they no longer wish to report progress towards their commitment. Goals are classified as No Response if the commitment-maker does not report progress towards their commitment during the progress reporting window. Goals are classified as Progress Not Able to Be Assessed if despite the commitment-maker’s active participation in the process, they provided no baseline data at registration nor during progress reporting, or they report that the indicator has not been measured since the commitment was registered or they do not provide the required information about the indicator’s updated or latest level or status.
During the assessment process, the GNR may contact commitment-makers to request additional information or clarifications on the submitted data, seeking response within 7 calendar days of the request being sent to the commitment-maker. Before publishing the progress assessment in the NAF Tracker, the GNR shares the result with the commitment-maker, providing an opportunity for an expeditious review (within 7 calendar days of the request being sent to the commitment-maker).
Results from the progress assessment are published in the NAF Tracker once progress reports are processed. Commitment-makers may reach out to [email protected] with any questions about this process.
Per the methodology above, the progress reporting assessment can lead to seven outcomes, as outlined in Table 1. Outcomes 1 and 2 are positive. Outcome 3 indicates an opportunity to improve if the end date has not passed. Outcome 4 indicates an opportunity to plan towards a different commitment goal in the future. Outcomes 5–7 indicate a commitment goal that cannot be assessed for various reasons.
Table 1
Outcome | Assessment definition (methodology) | Assessment definition |
1. Reached by the end date | The goal is reached within the specified timeframe. | The goal is reached within the specified timeframe. |
2. Reached after end date | The goal is reached after the specified timeframe. | The goal is reached after the specified timeframe. |
3. On Course/ In Progress | For numerical outcomes, given the current trajectory of progress reported, the goal is expected to be met by its end date. For non-numerical outcomes, progress has been made since the last report (or since baseline). | For numerical outcomes, given the current trajectory of progress reported, the goal is expected to be met by its end date. For non-numerical outcomes, progress has been made since the last report (or since baseline). |
4. Off Course/ No Progress | For numerical outcomes, given the current trajectory of progress reported, the goal is not expected to be met by the end date. For non-numerical outcomes, there is a lack of reported progress since the last progress report (or since baseline). | For numerical outcomes, given the current trajectory of progress reported, the goal is not expected to be met by the end date. For non-numerical outcomes, there is a lack of reported progress since the last progress report (or since baseline). |
5. Not Reached | The goal had not been achieved by its end date. | The goal was not achieved by its end date. |
6. Withdrawn | The goal was formally withdrawn and progress will no longer be reported towards the goal. | The commitment-maker has formally withdrawn their goal and ceases to report progress towards the goal. |
7. No Response | The goal was not reported on during the progress tracking process. | The commitment-maker does not report on the goal during the progress tracking process. |
8. Progress Not Able to Be Assessed | The goal’s progress cannot be assessed, either because baseline data was not provided, or the progress indicator had not been assessed yet, or the data provided were not in a format allowing calculation of progress despite the commitment maker’s active engagement in the process. | The commitment-maker has engaged in the tracking progress process; however, the goal’s progress cannot be assessed, either because the commitment-maker did not provide baseline data, or the progress indicator has not been assessed yet. |
Tables 2–5 provide examples of progress assessment for the following kind of goals:
- Table 2: Commitment goals expressed as absolute number(s), e.g. number of people, number of households, number of products.
- Table 3: Commitment goals expressed as a percentage, e.g. proportion of people, prevalence in the population, proportion of products.
- Table 4: Commitment goals for non-numerical binary outcomes, e.g. yes/no, presence/absence.
- Table 5: Financial commitment goals (currency, total amount, annual amount, cumulative amount), e.g. total USD spent.
Please note that the examples below do not include ‘Withdrew’, ‘No Response’, and ‘Progress Not Able to Be Assessed’ outcomes.
Table 2
Outcome | Indicator | Baseline | Target | Start/end dates | Reported progress | Assessment |
Reached | Number of pupils benefiting from school canteens. | (2021): 97,518 pupils | (2030): 300,000 pupils | Jan 2021–Dec 2030 (10 years) | 2030: 310,000 pupils | Commitment has been “reached” since the reported number of pupils benefiting from school canteens at the time of the end of the commitment is greater than, or within 1%, of the specified target number. |
On Course* | Number of households with improved access to diverse, nutritious, and safe food through nutrition sensitive and climate resilient agriculture programs of IIRR. | (2022): 1,745 households | (2027): 57,000 households |
Jan 2022–Dec 2026 (5 years ) |
Average annual change: 11,051 households Expected # in Jan 2025: 33,153 households Reported # in Jan 2025: 35,000 households |
Commitment is "on course" as the number of households with improved access to diverse, nutritious, and safe food in 2025 is greater than (or within 1%) of the expected number of households at the time of the update. |
Off Course* | Number of micronutrient fortified servings produced. | 78,000,000 (78 million) servings | 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) servings |
Jan 2022–Dec 2029 (8 years) |
Average annual change: 115,250,000 servings Expected # in 2025: 345,750,000 servings Reported # in 2025: 80,000,000 (80 million) servings |
Commitment is "off course" as the reported number of micronutrient fortified servings produced in 2025 is smaller (and outside the 1% threshold) of the expected number of servings at the time of the update. |
Not Reached | Number of micronutrient fortified servings produced. | 78,000,000 (78 million) servings | 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) servings |
Jan 2022–Dec 2029 (8 years) |
Reported # in 2030: 80,000,000 (80 million) servings | Commitment is "not reached" as the reported number of micronutrient fortified servings produced at the end date of the commitment is smaller than the target number. |
*Assumed a linear rate of progress; calculated using the average annual change multiplied by the period to date in calendar years or months where applicable.
Table 3
Outcome | Indicator | Baseline | Target | Start/end dates | Reported progress | Assessment |
Reached | Prevalence (%) of exclusive breastfeeding. | (2022): 16.2% | (2025): 25% | Jan 2022–Dec 2025 (4 years) | 2025: 24.9% |
Commitment has been “reached” since the reported prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding at the time of the end of the commitment is greater (or within 0.1%) of the specified target. |
On Course* | Percentage of school-age children who study Food Education in primary schools. | 0% | 8% |
Dec 2022–Nov 2030 (8 years) |
Avg. annual change: 1% Period to date in 2025: 3 years Expected % in 2025: 3% Reported % in 2025: 3% | Commitment is "on course" as the reported percentage of school-age children who study Food Education in primary schools is greater than (or within 0.1%) of the expected percentage in 2025. |
Off Course* | Indicator: Percentage of saturated fat in food products. | (2022): 9% | (2025): 6% |
Dec 2022–Nov 2025 (3 years) |
Avg. annual change: 1% Period to date (at time of assessment in 2024): 2 years Expected % in 2024: 7% Reported % in 2024: 8% | Commitment is "off course" as the reported percentage of saturated fat in food products in 2024 is higher than (and beyond the 0.1% threshold) the expected percentage. |
Not Reached | Prevalence (%) of stunted children under 5 years of age | (2020): 17% | (2025): 7% |
Jan 2020–Dec 2024 (5 years) |
Avg. annual change: 2% Expected % in 2024: 7% Reported % in 2024: 10% |
Commitment is "not reached" as reported prevalence of stunted children under 5 years of age after the end date of commitment is higher than the target prevalence. |
*Assumed a linear rate of progress; calculated using the average annual change multiplied by the period to date in calendar years or months where applicable.
Table 4
Outcome | Indicator | Baseline | Target |
Start/end dates |
Reported progress |
Assessment |
Reached |
Breast milk substitutes (BMS) code passed as a law and enforced. |
(2021): Breast milk substitutes (BMS) code developed but not passed into a law and not enforced. |
(2022): BMS code is signed into law and enforced. | Jan 2022–Dec 2024 (3 years) | BMS code is signed into law and enforced. |
Commitment "reached" as the BMS code passed as a law and enforced before the end of the end date. |
In Progress |
A food security and nutrition act in place |
(2020): There is no food security and nutrition act in place. |
(2026): A food security and nutrition act will be in place. | Jan 2021–Dec 2026 (6 years) | 2024: The act has been drafted. |
Commitment is "on course" as an act has been drafted and it is reasonable to expect the act will be in place in 2 years by end date. |
Not Reached |
Establishment of a parliamentary body to address childhood obesity. |
(Dec 2021): There is no parliamentary body to address child’s obesity. |
(Dec 2023): Establishment of a parliamentary body to address childhood obesity. |
Jan 2022–Dec 2023 (2 years) | Jan 2024: The body has not been established yet. |
Commitment is "not reached" as the end date of the commitment has passed and the commitment has not reached the target. |
Table 5
Outcome | Indicator | Baseline | Target |
Start/end dates |
Reported progress |
Assessment |
Reached | Disbursement to fund nutrition sensitive programs (in GMD). | (2020): GMD 500 million disbursed | (2030): GMD 800 million disbursed | Jan 2021–Sept 2030 (9.75 years) | 2030: GMD 800 million |
Commitment "reached" as the annual disbursement to fund nutrition sensitive programs in 2030 is equal to, greater than or within 1% of the amount in the original commitment. |
On Course* |
Disbursement to fund R&D programs to develop more nutrition foods (in USD). |
(2022): USD 8 million |
(2025): USD 20 million |
Oct 2022–Sept 2025 (3 years) |
Avg. annual increase: USD (20 – 8 million) / 3 = USD 4 million Expected disbursement in 2024: USD 16 million Reported disbursement in 2024: USD 17 million |
Commitment is "on course" as the disbursement to fund R&D programs to develop more nutrition foods in 2024 is equal to, greater than or within 1% of expected disbursement at the time of the reported progress. |
Off Course* | Health expenditure per capita (in USD). | (Dec 2020): USD 20 | (Dec 2025): USD 70 | Jan 2021–Dec 2025 (5 years) |
Avg. annual change: USD 10 Expected health expenditure / capita in 2023: USD 50 Reported health expenditure / capita in Dec 2023: USD 42 |
The commitment is "off course" as the reported health expenditure per capita in 2023 is smaller (nor within the 1% threshold) than the expected expenditure at the time of the reported progress. |
Not Reached |
Four-year disbursements for nutrition-related programs (in EUR). |
(Jan 2021): EUR 80 million | (Jan 2025): EUR 150 million | Jan 2022–Dec 2024 (3 years) | Jan 2025: EUR 110 million |
Commitment is "not reached" as the four-year disbursements for nutrition-related programs in Jan 2025 is smaller than the target level. |
*Assumed a linear rate of progress; calculated using the average annual change multiplied by the period to date in calendar years or months where applicable.
NAF Commitment Progress Reporting Assessment Methodology
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