Nutrition Accountability Framework Commitment Registration form
The process described on this page refers to the Nutrition Accountability Framework's Commitment Registration for the Paris Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit in March 2025.
Purpose and structure
This page outlines the questions that you will be asked to submit new commitment(s) into the NAF, the official mechanism for registering commitments for the Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit. Please note that it is for planning purposes only, to allow you to prepare your responses before signing in to fill the online survey form and submit your commitment. The online form is accessible—once you have made an account and then signed into the NAF—from the starting page (if this your first time making a commitment) or from “Commitments” in the header menu if you have made a commitment before. Commitment registration is valid only if you sign into the NAF and complete and submit the commitment registration online survey form.
The 2025 N4G hosts provide—in their N4G Paris Commitment Guide (English and in French) guidance on formulation of commitments for the Summit, underpinned by principles of engagement. That guide shares recommendations on processes for preparing meaningful commitments, the conditions under which commitments can be made, and examples of the types of commitments sought. It also refers to the Global Nutrition Report (GNR) website for further information on and examples of Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound (SMART) commitments.
As the commitment registration form intends to facilitate the registration of SMART commitments, its questions are grouped by the SMART dimensions (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). Compulsory fields are indicated with an asterisk (*). In the online form you will not see all questions—even all questions marked with an asterisk—as questions appear based on selections made earlier in the form.
Previously, the NAF requested individual goals under a larger commitment, in an effort to enhance trackability. To streamline commitment-tracking, this dual-level approach is no longer taken. The form below will assist in making commitments themselves trackable, eliminating the need for separate goals, and reducing confusion.
Each commitment constitutes a separate submission. While you are working online, the form will not save progress, so we recommend preparing your information in advance, then signing into the system to register your commitment. Once you submit a commitment, if you have additional commitments to register, you could proceed to register additional commitments. However, you are able to sign in at a later date to register additional commitments if you so choose.
The GNR provides French and Spanish translation of this document, and the online form provides the option to translate the questions. However, please respond in English, so that you maintain control of translation. If this is not possible, please be in touch with the GNR at [email protected] to discuss the use of translation software. If the GNR translates for its own interpretation, the GNR would not be responsible for any inaccuracies.
1. “R” Relevance
* Q1.1a. Please confirm that this commitment will directly or ultimately contribute to at least one of the following global nutrition targets:
- Reduce prevalence of anaemia among women of reproductive age
- Reduce prevalence of low birthweight
- Increase prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months
- Reduce prevalence of stunting in children under 5 years of age
- Reduce prevalence of wasting in children under 5 years of age
- Reduce prevalence of overweight in children under 5 years of age
- Halt the rise in prevalence of adult obesity
- Halt the rise in prevalence of adult diabetes
- Reduce the prevalence of raised blood pressure
- Reduce the mean population intake of salt
☐ Yes, the commitment will contribute to at least one of the above targets (move to Q1.1b)
☐ No, the commitment will not contribute to any of the targets listed above (move to Q1.2a)
* Q1.1b. Please specify the global nutrition target(s) to which this commitment will directly or ultimately contribute (Select all that apply).
☐ Reduce prevalence of anaemia among women of reproductive age
☐ Reduce prevalence of low birthweight
☐ Increase prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months
☐ Reduce prevalence of stunting in children under 5 years of age
☐ Reduce prevalence of wasting in children under 5 years of age
☐ Reduce prevalence of overweight in children under 5 years of age
☐ Halt the rise in prevalence of adult obesity
☐ Halt the rise in prevalence of adult diabetes
☐ Reduce the prevalence of raised blood pressure
☐ Reduce the mean population intake of salt
* Q1.2a. Please choose the type that best describes this commitment. For detailed and SMART examples, please refer to the N4G Paris Commitment Guide in English and in French and its Principles of Engagement and to the Examples of SMART nutrition commitments" at the bottom of the GNR's web page on The SMARTness of nutrition commitments. (Select only one).
☐ Financial, for example (Move to Q1.3a)
- Allocate [amount] on nutrition-specific interventions, in [specific sectors].
- Spend [amount] on nutrition-sensitive interventions, in [specific sectors].
- Increase to [%] the national budget dedicated to nutrition.
☐ Political (i.e. any commitment that is not financial) (Move to Q1.2b)
* Q1.2b. Please specify the type of political commitment being made (Select only one).
☐ Enabling (commitments to establish a positive environment for nutrition, e.g. through leadership and governance, research, monitoring, or data)
☐ Policy/strategy/programmatic/interventional (commitments to implement such actions, e.g. to design a multisectoral nutrition plan, to treat cases of acute malnutrition, to increase the proportion of healthy products in company's portfolio)
☐ Impact (commitments to directly improve nutrition outcomes in a population, e.g. to reduce stunting in children under 5 years of age, or to reduce anaemia in women of reproductive age)
* Q1.3a. Please indicate whether you plan to link your commitment to any specific event(s) (e.g. 2025 N4G Summit, 2025 UN Food Systems Summit) (Select only one.).
☐ Yes (move to Q1.3b)
☐ No, the commitment will not be linked to a specific event (move to Section 2)
* Q1.3b. Please specify to which key events you plan to link your commitment (Select all that apply).
☐ 2024 G20 Leaders’ Summit Launch of Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty (move to Section 2)
☐ 2024 UN Climate Change Conference (COP29) (move to Section 2)
☐ 2025 Paris N4G Summit (move to question Q1.3c)
☐ 2025 UN Food Systems Summit/Stocktaking (move to Section 2)
☐ Other, please specify (free text) (move to Section 2) _____________________________________________________
To qualify as an N4G Paris 2025 commitment, the commitment must meet all criteria below and also detailed under “Who can make commitments to N4G Paris” in the N4G Paris Commitment Guide. The English Guide is here and the French Guide is here.
* Q1.3c. Please confirm that your commitment meets all criteria below (Select each that applies). (If the commitment does not meet all criteria, it cannot be registered as an N4G commitment)
☐ Respects the principle to “do no harm”
☐ Aligns with national priorities, goals and targets
☐ Aligns with internationally agreed goals, targets, strategies, and standards
☐ The entity making the commitment meets all eligibility criteria (under “Who can make commitments”) in the N4G Paris Commitment Guide
* Q1.3d. Please choose the N4G Paris thematic area(s) of your commitment as relevant (Select all that apply).
☐ Nutrition, health and social protection
☐ Nutrition and transition towards sustainable, climate-smart and resilient food systems
☐ Nutrition and resilience to crisis
☐ Nutrition and gender equality
☐ Nutrition, data, research, artificial intelligence and innovation
☐ Financing and accountability for nutrition
2. “S” Specifics of the commitment
Definition of the commitment
* Q2.1. Please provide a brief title for this commitment (e.g. Increased Domestic Food Production, Targeted Outreach to Treat Malnutrition) (max 80 characters).
* Q2.2. You mentioned that your commitment addresses the target, “[target selected in Q1.3b]”. Please provide the description of the measurable commitment (max 400 words). The example below and others are available in the N4G Paris Commitment Guide.
E.g. The Ministries of Finance, Planning, Health and Agriculture of [country] commit to investing $600 million over the period 2025 to 2030 in a targeted, multi-phase project focused on improving nutrition during the first 1,000 days of life and supporting vulnerable ethnic population groups throughout the country. The commitment includes specific annual allocations and disbursement milestones, with funds distributed across key line ministries and programmes within the dedicated nutrition budget. Progress will be monitored annually, with a mid-term review in 2027 to assess impact and reallocate resources if necessary.
Geography and equity
* Q2.3a. For your commitment “[title provided in Q2.1]”, please select the geographic area that is covered (Select only one).
☐ Global (move to Q2.4)
☐ Region or multi-region (e.g. Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America) (move to Q2.3b, then to Q2.4)
☐ Multi-country (e.g. several countries, but not an entire region) (move to Q2.3c, then to Q2.4)
☐ National (country-level or countrywide) (move to Q2.3d, then to Q2.4)
☐ Sub-national (regions or states within a country) (move to Q2.3d, then to Q2.3e, then to Q2.4)
☐ Local (e.g. city) (move to Q2.3e, then to Q2.4)
* Q2.3b. Please select the regions that will be covered by this commitment (Select all that apply) (then move to Q2.4).
☐ Sub-Saharan Africa
☐ Northern Africa and Western Asia
☐ Central and Southern Asia
☐ Eastern and South-Eastern Asia
☐ Latin America and the Caribbean
☐ Oceania
☐ Europe and Northern America
The regional groupings above are the same as those used in the SDG's Report and Statistical Annex.
* Q2.3c. Please select the countries or nations that will be covered by this commitment (Select all that apply, then move to Q2.4).
(drop-down list)
* Q2.3d. Please select the country or nation that will be covered by this commitment. (Select only one, then move to Q2.3e, or if only “national”, then move to Q2.4).
(drop-down list)
* Q2.3e. Please detail the sub-national (regions or states within a country) or local area (e.g. the city) that will be covered by this commitment (then move to Q2.4).
Q2.4. Please feel free to share as relevant any other geographic focus, such as if you target geographic areas with a given characteristic (such as high prevalence of a given form of malnutrition, or low-income, or experiencing protracted conflict) (Optional).
* Q2.5a. For your commitment “[title provided in Q2.1]”, please specify whether this commitment has a dimension of equity.
Having a dimension of equity means that the commitment takes a varied approach or otherwise prioritises/targets specific population groups who—compared to the general population—may be at a disadvantage, e.g. may be more severely affected by malnutrition than others or may have less access to services (Select only one).
☐ The commitment prioritises/targets specific population groups/dimensions of equity (move to Q2.5b)
☐ The commitment does not prioritise/target any population group at all (e.g. policy to set up a new financing mechanism), or prioritises/targets the overall population (e.g. it is a programme supporting all ages, all sexes, all genders) (move to Section 3)
* Q2.5b. Please select the characteristic(s) of the population group(s) on which the commitment focuses (Select all that apply).
☐ Ability (e.g. physical, psychological, intellectual, socioemotional)
☐ Age or life course stage/status (e.g. neonates, infants, young children, adolescents, pregnant and/or lactating women, elderly adults)
☐ Caste
☐ Chronic illness (e.g. people living with HIV, cancer, diabetes)
☐ Citizenship or migration status
☐ Community geography (e.g. rural, urban)
☐ Economic status of country (e.g. low-income country, lower-middle-income country)
☐ Ethnic group
☐ Gender identity (e.g. women, men, non-binary/non-conforming) or sex (e.g. female, male, intersex)
☐ Indigenous status
☐ Nationality or country of origin
☐ Refugee status or status as an internally displaced person
☐ Religion
☐ Sexual orientation
☐ Socioeconomic status (e.g. populations living in relative poverty)
☐ Other (Please specify) ________________________________
3. “M” Measurable and “T” Time-bound nature of commitment
Indicator by which commitment will be assessed
Please provide information for the one key indicator that will be used to measure this commitment— [title entered in Q2.1]—and to assess and report on its progress.
* Q3.1a. Please provide the name of the key indicator (e.g. prevalence of stunting in children under 5 years of age, funds allocated in a specific currency, funds expended in a specific currency, proportion of products with healthier formulation, policy has passed, high fructose corn syrup no longer included in our products) (max 200 characters). _____________________________________________________
* Q3.1b. You mentioned that “[response to 3.1a]” is the key indicator to measure your commitment. Please specify the type or nature of this indicator (e.g. absolute number in a currency, another type of absolute number, yes/no, or % ) (Select only one).
☐ Absolute number (currency) (move to Q3.1c)
☐ Absolute number (other) (move to Q3.1d)
☐ Binary (e.g. yes/no or presence/absence) (move to Q3.1e)
☐ Percentage (%) (e.g. 20%) (move to Q3.2a)
* Q3.1c. You mentioned that “[response to 3.1a]” is measured in Absolute number (currency). Please specify the currency that will be used for this key indicator.
Drop down for particular currency.
* Q3.1d. You mentioned that “[response to 3.1a]” is measured as in absolute number (other). Please specify the unit (i.e. of what is the key indicator an absolute number?), e.g. number of community health workers trained.
* Q3.1e. You mentioned that “[response to 3.1a]” is measured in binary (e.g. yes/no or presence/absence). Please specify the binary unit for “[response to 3.1a]” (e.g. yes, the policy was adopted).
* Q3.2a. You mentioned that “[response to 3.1a]” is the key indicator. Please specify the indicator’s baseline level/value/status to accompany the type/unit ([response to Q3.1b]). Please note that the baseline should represent the status of the indicator before your commitment begins. There are different variations of this question based on your responses to Q3.1b-e. Depending on your responses, you may only be able to enter numeric values. For example, if you selected “Percentage” in Q3.1b, “10” in Q3.2a will mean 10%.
* Q3.2b. Please select the month that the key indicator’s baseline level/value/status was assessed.
Drop-down list of months (may select “unknown” if you do not know the specific month).
* Q3.2c. Please select the year that the key indicator’s baseline level/value/status was assessed.
Drop-down list of years 2014-2025.
* Q3.3. You mentioned that “response to Q3.1a” is the key indicator. Please select whether the key indicator is to be achieved each year or is overall (to be reached by the end of the target period) (Select only one).
☐ Annual target (to be achieved in each and every year of the commitment period; e.g. for an annual target of 100 and a commitment period of 5 years, by the end of the period you would hope to achieve 500)
☐ Overall target (to be achieved by the end of the commitment period)
* Q3.4. Please indicate the target level/value/status that you hope to achieve for the key indicator by the end date. Please ensure that you provide a target level/value/status consistent with the type and unit provided above ([response to Q3.1b]). Please also consider the relationship between baseline and target. For example, if the key indicator is to reduce, the target should be less than baseline. Or if the baseline is 100, and the commitment is to achieve another 100 units, ensure that the target is 200 or consider setting your target at 100 and your baseline at 0.
* Q3.5a. Your commitment is "[response to Q2.1]”. Please specify the month that you plan to start working towards achieving this commitment.
Drop-down menu of months. May select “unknown” if you do not know the specific month.
* Q3.5b. Please specify the year that you plan to start working towards achieving this commitment.
Drop-down menu of years (2024-2030).
* Q3.6a. Your commitment is "[response to Q2.1]”. Starting with the month, please specify the end date for achieving this commitment.
Drop-down menu of months. May select “unknown” if you do not know the specific month.
* Q3.6b. Please specify the year by which you plan to have achieved this commitment.
Drop-down menu of years (2025-2035).
Financial commitments
(To be completed only for financial commitments)
* Q3.7. For your commitment “[response to Q2.1]”, please select if it is regarding an allocation and/or a disbursement (Select all that apply).
☐ Financial allocation (legal decision to dedicate funds)
☐ Financial disbursement (actual expenditure)
* Q3.8a. Please select if this allocation and/or disbursement will be for nutrition-specific and/or nutrition-sensitive actions (Select all that apply).
☐ Nutrition-specific actions to address immediate determinants of malnutrition, such as food and nutrient intake (e.g. micronutrient supplementation, food fortification), feeding (including breastfeeding), caregiving and parenting practices and burden of disease.
☐ Nutrition-sensitive actions to address underlying determinants of malnutrition, such as food security, including access to and availability of nutritious foods (e.g. through agriculture, social protection or food assistance); access to care resources (e.g. in the household, through health services); access to education and equity; and access to improved water, hygiene, and sanitation. They should be aimed at individuals, include nutrition as a significant objective or indicator and contribute to a nutrition-sensitive outcome.
Above, under “level/value/status to be achieved by end date”, you estimated the commitment to be [response to Q3.4a]. In the following questions, please specify how much is being targeted for the nutrition-specific and/or nutrition-sensitive allocation or disbursement.
* Q3.8b. Only if you selected “financial allocation” and “nutrition-specific” above. Please specify how much is being targeted for this nutrition-specific allocation. The value should be in [currency selected in Q3.1c.].
* Q3.8c. Only if you selected “financial allocation” and “nutrition-sensitive” above. Please specify how much is being targeted for this nutrition-sensitive allocation. The value should be in [currency selected in Q3.1c.].
* Q3.8d. Only if you selected “financial disbursement/actual expenditure” and “nutrition-specific” above. Please specify how much is being targeted for this nutrition-specific disbursement. The value should be in [currency selected in Q3.1c.].
* Q3.8e. Only if you selected “financial disbursement/actual expenditure” and “nutrition-sensitive” above. Please specify how much is being targeted for this nutrition-sensitive disbursement. The value should be in [currency selected in Q3.1c.].
* Q3.9. Please specify the sector(s) that are involved in/targeted by this targeted allocation/disbursement (Select all that apply).
☐ Agriculture, agribusiness, livestock, fisheries
☐ Early child development
☐ Health
☐ Social protection
☐ Other, please specify (free text) ______________________
Monitoring, evaluation and reporting
* Q3.10a. You have mentioned “[response to Q3.1a]” as your key indicator. Please specify the plans to monitor and/or evaluate this indicator (Select only one).
☐ Collect your own data (e.g. you have a plan to track the progress of or otherwise assess your key indicator) (move to Q3.10b)
☐ Use data collected by others (e.g. a DHS or MICS survey that would include information to assess progress on your key indicator) (move to Q3.10b)
☐ Unknown (move to 3.11a)
* Q3.10b. Please specify the planned frequency of measurement/monitoring/evaluation (whether by yourself or by another entity) (Select only one).
☐ More often than once a year
☐ Every year
☐ Every 2 years
☐ Every 3 years
☐ Every 4 years
☐ Every 5 years or more
☐ Unknown
* Q3.11a. Please select whether you are expected to report on the progress of this commitment to an additional tracking/accountability mechanism other than the GNR. This could include, for example, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) for a national parliamentary budget process, or similar (Select only one).
☐ Yes (move to 3.11b)
☐ No other tracking/accountability mechanism used (move to Section 4)
* Q3.11b. Please specify the tracking/accountability mechanism (other than the GNR) used to report on the progress of this nutrition-related commitment (Select all that apply).
☐ Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC)
☐ SUN Joint Annual Assessment
☐ Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI)
☐ Other _____________________________________________________
4. “A” Achievability
* Q4.1a. Please select whether you have estimated the total costs associated with the delivery of this commitment. Total costs refer to the estimated costs to implement the commitment, such as human resources, equipment, facilities (Select only one).
☐ Yes (move to Q4.1b)
☐ No, the amount has not been estimated (move to Q4.2)
* Q4.1b. Please indicate how much of the financial resources are secured (Select only one).
☐ Funds fully secured
☐ Funds more than 50% secured
☐ Funds less than 50% secured
* Q4.2. Please list the name(s) of confirmed funder(s), including funders which may make their own commitments, to help identify the dependencies between commitments (or if own organisation is the funder, please list own organisation).
* Q4.3. Please select the funding mechanism(s) for this commitment (Select all that apply).
☐ Development finance institution (e.g. Asian Development Bank)
☐ Multilateral organisation (e.g. United Nations agency)
☐ Private (e.g. company, philanthropy, or individual)
☐ Public (e.g. government)
☐ Other, please specify (free text) ____________________________________________________
5. Additional information and feedback
Q5.1. Please provide any additional information on your commitments and/or any comments, thoughts and suggestions you may have for the commitment registration process (Optional).
Timing and responsibilities
Commitments are best when registered in a timely so that the GNR may perform a basic level of verification prior to the N4G Paris Summit. This will also allow the N4G Hosts an opportunity to review for basic alignment with the requirements in the N4G Paris Commitment Guide. The English Guide is here and the French Guide is here. Realistically, commitments registered after 28 February 2025 may not have that basic verification performed in time for the Summit. Officially, any commitment registered in the NAF by 28 March 2025 may be considered for inclusion in the N4G Paris Compact Annex published at that time, if the commitment is designated as being for N4G Paris and meets the requirements set out in the N4G Paris Commitment Guide.
Subsequently, any commitment which is registered, validated, and meeting those basic verification and alignment checks required by the Paris Commitment Guide by 30 June 2025 can be considered towards N4G Paris. Thereafter, resources allowing, the GNR hopes to keep the platform open for stakeholders to continue to make commitments and respond to clarification queries from GNR, but those commitments will not be linked to the N4G Paris Summit.
Please note that the GNR may publicly share on the NAF Commitment Tracker those commitments which are registered and verified. You will be asked in future to report on each commitment, so you may wish to prioritise fewer, more meaningful commitments, rather than many commitments which may not be as meaningful.
For communications on these commitments, the verification process, and the eventual reporting of progress against these commitments, the GNR will write to the commitment-making organisation’s main user of the NAF platform. Therefore, we recommend keeping that user’s information up to date. Please be in touch with [email protected] if you need assistance updating your user information or with any questions regarding the form or the registration process.
NAF commitment registration resources
Nutrition Accountability Framework’s Commitment Registration Form
Formulaire d'inscription de l'engagement pour le cadre de responsabilité en matière de nutrition
Formulario para registrar un compromiso en el Marco de Rendición de Cuentas sobre Nutrición
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