Targeted location (aggregate) |
National - Canada - federal and provincial Global - Canada - national and provincial. Goal is to liaise with 3-5 other nations. |
Verification status | Verified Find out more |
Commitment description
- The Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS) commits to advocate for evidence-based practices and policies to address Disease Related Malnutrition (DRM). A standing committee within CNS, the Canadian Malnutrition Task Force (CMTF), will achieve this through the creation of a national alliance with engagement of diverse stakeholders including those from provincial and federal governments, health care organizations, academia, agrifood and industry.
- CMTF commits to review and analyze the literature on existing national nutrition policies that are relevant to disease-related malnutrition and publish the findings. This work will help to identify gaps in existing policies related to DRM and will inform the design of a policy brief and health policy related to DRM. Progress will be assessed quarterly with reporting to national and international stakeholders by CMTF and CNS.
- The aim is for CNS-CMTF to lead by example to expand and strengthen international and global connections to address DRM, enable other countries to create national alliances to leverage best practices and policies from around the world, and to create capacity for policy level change globally. Progress will be measured through engagement (creation of a national alliance), and identification and creation of policy related to DRM within Canada. In addition, we will report on the number of countries that join this global collaborative effort.
- CAN DReaM (Creating Alliances Nationally to address Disease Related Malnutrition) will initially be funded through the CMTF and CNS.
Commitment goals
Publish the results of the review of the existing national nutrition policies that are relevant to disease-related malnutrition
- Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Research monitoring and data
- Goal SMARTness index: High
Create a national alliance and set the foundation for a national coordination mechanism for improved DRM policy
- Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Leadership and governance
- Goal SMARTness index: High
Design a policy brief on disease-related malnutrition
- Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Leadership and governance
- Goal SMARTness index: High
Create national or provincial health policy (policies) to address DRM as prioritized in the policy brief by 2025
- Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Leadership and governance
- Goal SMARTness index: High
Expand and strengthen global coordination mechanisms for policies and practices to address DRM
- Nutrition Action Classification: Enabling > Leadership and governance
- Goal SMARTness index: High
Nutrition Action Classification across all goals
- Financial
- Operational
- Leadership and governance
- Research monitoring and data
- Food environment
- Food supply chain
- Consumer knowledge
- Nutrition care services
- Undernutrition
- Diet
- Obesity and diet-related NCDs
- Food and nutrition security
N4G themes covered by goals
- Food
- Health
- Resilience
- Data
- Financing
Total funding and costs across all goals
Funders | Funding will come through CNS-CMTF (current commitment = $20,000CDN for 2022-23). Additional support for the work of CAN DReaM will be pursued as it advances. |
Funding mechanism | Private |
Cost secured | All of the $20,000 has been secured. Current commitment = $20,000CDN for 2022-23). CNS-CMTF will provide in-kind support for meetings, coordination and information dissemination. Costs for this work will be kept to a minimum through use of virtual meetings and through building upon existing capacity. |
Total costs estimated | Yes, and the amount publicly disclosed |
Currency | (CAD) - Canadian dollar |
Cost amount | 20,000.0 |
$USD equivalent | 16,000.0 (World Bank average exchange rate for 2021) |