Increase availability of domestically fortified wheat flour (0% - by 2030 70% )
Prevention of micronutrient deficiencies
Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Tajikistan
Verification status | Verified Find out more |
NAF SMARTness index | High Find out more |
Targeted location | National - All regions (Dushanbe, Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, Districts of the Republican Subordination, Khatlon, Sughd) |
Targeted population | Overall population (all ages, both sexes) |
Targeted population age | All ages |
Population coverage | 9,506,292.0 |
Primary indicator | Percentage (%) of domestically fortified wheat flour |
Primary indicator baseline | 0% (wheat) |
Primary indicator target | 70% |
Duration | January, 2022 - December, 2030 |
Goal action plan
Goal 1: Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MOHSP) will coordinates the implementation of the national programme on the prevention of micronutrient deficiencies and related diseases 2022-2027 in collaboration with line ministries, private sectors and development partners. The major flour mills will be engaged through roundtable to familiarize them with the law which made wheat flour fortification mandatory and guide them on the process, including the import of premix and installation of fortification equipment. Standards, protocols and manuals for wheat flour fortification should be developed and/or updated based on availability. Flour mill companies need to be trained on various aspects of wheat flour fortification, including fortification process and laboratory analysis for internal quality control and quality assurance. In order to obtain baseline figures for some key biomarkers, a nutrition survey also needs to be conducted with a strong M&E plan following the start of the implementation of the national programme.
Nutrition Action Classification
- Financial
- Operational
- Leadership and governance
- Research monitoring and data
- Food environment
- Food supply chain
- Consumer knowledge
- Nutrition care services
- Undernutrition
- Diet
- Obesity and diet-related NCDs
- Food and nutrition security