Verification status | Verified Find out more |
NAF SMARTness index | High Find out more |
Targeted location | National - All regions (Dushanbe, Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, Districts of the Republican Subordination, Khatlon, Sughd) |
Targeted population | Specific population group(s) |
Targeted population age | Specific age group(s) |
Targeted population specific age | children under five years of age |
Targeted population sex | All |
Population coverage | 1,200,000.0 |
Primary indicator | Prevalence (%) of wasted children under 5 years of age |
Primary indicator baseline | 5.6% (wasting) |
Primary indicator target | 5% (wasting) by 2025 |
Duration | January, 2020 - December, 2025 |
Goal action plan
The MOHSPP will coordinate the implementation of the national protocol on the Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition with partners. Specifically, the quality of the SAM treatment through inpatient and outpatient facilities need to be improved. Special focus will be given to exclusive breastfeeding, timely introduction of complementary feeding and continued breastfeeding until 2 year and beyond. Prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases through national routine immunization programme will continue and strengthened. Children under five years will be provided with vitamin A supplementation and vitamin D and folic acid and iron. MAM treatment pilot will also be continued and scaled up.
Nutrition Action Classification
- Financial
- Operational
- Leadership and governance
- Research monitoring and data
- Food environment
- Food supply chain
- Consumer knowledge
- Nutrition care services
- Undernutrition
- Diet
- Obesity and diet-related NCDs
- Food and nutrition security