2022 Global Nutrition Report
The '2022 Global Nutrition Report: Stronger commitments for greater action’ sets out the role of accountability and its ability to transform action to tackle the nutrition crisis. It analyses the hard work underway and emphasises the role of every stakeholder to demonstrate why coordination is the only way we can deliver sustainable nutrition outcomes.
Preface: About this report on the GNR’s Nutrition Accountability Framework
Learn more about the structure and content of this report – which chapters explain the key concepts of the NAF and which provide analyses of commitments made by a range of stakeholders.
Read About the reportForeword
We are living through a global nutrition crisis. Poor diets and malnutrition are among the greatest societal challenges of our time, impacting our health, our economies, and our environment. Declaring 2021 as the Nutrition Year of Action evoked a response from stakeholders across the world that made this a pivotal moment for nutrition.
Read The forewordExecutive summary
The 2022 Global Nutrition Report showcases the value of the NAF and the insights it can bring, which have the potential to significantly improve nutrition action, and analyses commitments registered under the NAF to date. It sets the baseline for monitoring nutrition actions and their impact. Crucially it serves as a call to action for all stakeholders in the global fight against malnutrition.
Read The summaryChapter One
The first global accountability framework for nutrition
Introducing the NAF and its critical role in monitoring nutrition action. This chapter presents long-standing challenges in commitment-making for nutrition and how the NAF strengthens accountability, with a focus on the Tokyo N4G Summit. It describes the NAF cycle: how it works, who can make commitments, what commitments are included, and how these are registered, assessed and published.
Read chapter oneChapter Two
Unpacking commitments made to the NAF in the Nutrition Year of Action
How stakeholders stepped up in the Nutrition Year of Action. Chapter two presents an overview of patterns in stakeholder representation, geographic and population coverage, alignment with the global nutrition targets, and response to Covid-19. It analyses the type of commitments using the Nutrition Action Classification System and their SMARTness using the Nutrition Action SMARTness Index.
Read chapter twoChapter Three
Governments: Tackling poor diets and malnutrition domestically
Chapter three analyses government commitments and categorises their goals as enabling, policy or impact. Impact actions, their nature and focus, are explored in more detail. Countries are grouped by income and burden of malnutrition to better understand the differences in commitments made by countries with different economic and nutrition profiles.
Read chapter threeChapter Four
CSOs: Advocating for and supporting greater nutrition action
This chapter groups CSO commitment goals into enabling, policy and impact categories, and takes a deep dive into characterising their SMARTness. It also investigates the alignment of CSO commitments with the global nutrition targets.
Read chapter fourChapter Five
Private sector: A focus on internal policies to improve nutrition
Chapter five assesses the reach and geographical coverage of commitments made by private sector businesses, as well as their alignment with the global nutrition targets. It highlights the breadth of nutrition actions, with a focus on internal policies designed to improve nutrition.
Read chapter fiveChapter Six
Donors: Financial resources and beyond
This chapter highlights the key role donors have in mobilising new financial resources, including in light of Covid-19, which has exacerbated the need for nutrition financing as well as their role beyond financing. It reviews the commitments donors made to mitigate the impacts of Covid-19 on food and health systems.
Read chapter sixChapter Seven
International organisations, including multilaterals
Chapter seven presents the global role of international organisations in the fight against malnutrition. As well as giving an overview of the commitments made, the chapter focuses on the SMARTness of commitments, highlighting areas for improvement. Finally, alignment with the global nutrition targets is presented, identifying areas requiring additional global efforts.
Read chapter sevenAcronyms and abbreviations
A list of the acronyms and abbreviations we have used across the report.
read acronyms and abbreviationsAuthorship, acknowledgements and suggested citation
Authorship of the report, thanks to those involved in creating it and a suggestion for how to cite it.
read authorship, acknowledgements and suggested citationDataset and metadata
The data, metadata and technical note used for the 2022 Global Nutrition Report.
read dataset and metadataDownloads
- English Executive summary - 2022 Global Nutrition Report (PDF 1.5MB) Launch presentation - 2022 Global Nutrition Report (PDF 1.7MB) 2022 Global Nutrition Report | English (PDF 9.5MB)
- Spanish Executive summary_2022 Global Nutrition Report_Spanish.pdf (PDF 1.5MB) 2022 Global Nutrition Report | Spanish (PDF 9.6MB)
- French Executive summary_2022 Global Nutrition Report_French.pdf (PDF 1.5MB) 2022 Global Nutrition Report | French (PDF 9.8MB)
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Executive summary - 2022 Global Nutrition Report
Download a PDF of the executive summary of this year's report
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