The development of the online resources for the Global Nutrition Report’s Nutrition Accountability Framework (NAF) represents the considered input of the Independent Expert Group (IEG). IEG Members participated in a personal capacity, not as representatives of their affiliated organisations. The content does not necessarily represent the position of any of the individuals involved in its development, as listed below, or any of the partnered organisations involved in the development of the Global Nutrition Report.
The publication was carried out under the direction and guidance of the IEG Chair, Dr Renata Micha, who is also an author. A team of IEG members was identified by the IEG Chair to lead the development of the online resources for the NAF.
The authors produced a number of interim outputs, including an annotated outline, first draft and final draft for each of the resources to be published. These were reviewed, validated and cleared by the IEG Chair at each stage in the preparation process.
Expert authors
IEG members are lead authors on Global Nutrition Report publications and can nominate and invite internationally recognised experts (External Experts) as co-authors when the required expertise is not available within the larger IEG, as per the IEG Terms of Reference. IEG lead authors can also include research staff from the Hosting organisation as authors on publications, depending on their expertise and contributions, who work under the guidance and oversight of the IEG Chair and lead authors. The expert authors (IEG Members, External Experts) accept full responsibility for the published content and have been involved in all aspects of the development of the content including conception, design, writing, research, analysis, interpretation and final presentation of the content. All authors declare having no conflict of interest at the time of publishing. Authors are listed in order of contribution.
About the Nutrition Accountability Framework was authored by Renata Micha (IEG Chair; lead author); Dimitra Karageorgou (Senior Nutrition Scientist); Jason Wu (IEG member)
The Nutrition Action Classification System was authored by Renata Micha (IEG Chair; lead author); Dimitra Karageorgou (Senior Nutrition Scientist); Jason Wu (IEG member)
The SMARTness of nutrition commitments was authored by Giacomo Zanello (IEG member; lead author); Renata Micha (IEG Chair)
Assessing the SMARTness score of nutrition commitments was authored by Giacomo Zanello (IEG member; lead author), Dimitra Karageorgou (Senior Nutrition Scientist), Renata Micha (IEG Chair)
The Nutrition Action SMARTness Index was authored by Renata Micha (IEG Chair; lead author), Dimitra Karageorgou (Senior Nutrition Scientist)
Commitment data cleaning and standardisation was authored by Giacomo Zanello (IEG member; lead author), Renata Micha (IEG Chair)
Developing the NAF Platform's Commitment Registration Form was authored by Giacomo Zanello (IEG member; lead author); Dimitra Karageorgou (Senior Nutrition Scientist); Renata Micha (IEG Chair)
A guide to the NAF Platform's Commitment Registration Form was authored by Dimitra Karageorgou (Senior Nutrition Scientist); Renata Micha (IEG Chair; lead author); Giacomo Zanello (IEG member)
Author disclosures
Renata Micha, Jason Wu, Giacomo Zanello, and Dimitra Karageorgou have no conflicts of interest.
Writing, research and data analysis
The authors are grateful to the following writers, researchers and data analysts who supported the development of the online resources by working closely with the IEG Chair and members. These individuals participated in a personal capacity, not as representatives of their affiliated organisations and declare having no conflict of interest at the time of publishing. They are listed in order of contribution.
About the Nutrition Accountability Framework: None
The Nutrition Action Classification System: Damian Maganja, The George Institute for Global Health (research and writing)
The SMARTness of nutrition commitments: Dimitra Karageorgou, Development Initiatives (research and writing); Costanza Conti, University of Reading (research and writing)
Developing the NAF Platform's Commitment Registration Form: Costanza Conti, University of Reading (data collection, research and writing); Kathy Trieu, The George Institute for Global Health (data collection, research and writing)
A guide to the NAF Platform's Commitment Registration Form: Kathy Trieu, The George Institute for Global Health (research and writing); Costanza Conti, University of Reading (research and writing)
Independent Expert Group (IEG) review and input
The authors would like to thank the IEG for providing valuable advice and feedback according to their area of expertise. The entire IEG has been consulted throughout this process including review of the final draft to provide critical input and advice.
The IEG includes the following:
Chair of the Independent Expert Group (IEG)
Renata Micha, Associate Professor in Human Nutrition at the University of Thessaly, Greece.
IEG core members
Dr Mariachiara Di Cesare, Senior Lecturer in Public Health at Middlesex University, UK, Dr Shibani Ghosh, Research Associate Professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, US, Dr Marco Springmann, Senior Researcher in Environmental Sustainability and Public Health at the University of Oxford, UK, Dr Giacomo Zanello, Associate Professor of Food Economics and Health at the University of Reading, UK.
IEG Extended members
Bridget Fenn, Advisor in Nutrition Epidemiology at Capacity 4 Nutrition (C4N) and the Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN), Dr Daniel Hoffman, Professor of Nutritional Sciences at Rutgers University, US, Dr Eileen Kennedy, Professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, US, Prof Uma Koirala, Postgraduate Scholar in food science and nutrition management planning, Ghent University, Belgium, Dr Jacqueline Kung’u, Regional Advisor for Research and Evaluation in Africa at Nutrition International, Kenya, Dr Dariush Mozaffarian, Dean and Jean Mayer Professor at Tufts University, US, Dr Shuhei Nomura, Associate Professor in Health Policy and Management at Keio University, Japan, Dr Saskia Osendarp, Executive Director of the Micronutrient Forum, The Netherlands, Dr Cynthia Rosenzweig, Senior Research Scientist at NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, US, Dr Kuntal Saha, Technical Officer in the Nutrition and Food Safety Department at the World Health Organization (WHO), Switzerland, Meera Shekar, Global Lead for nutrition at the World Bank, Dr Jason Wu, Associate Professor in Nutrition Science at the University of New South Wales, Australia, Dr Stanley Zlotkin, Professor in Paediatrics, Public Health Sciences and Nutritional Sciences at the University of Toronto, Canada.
The authors would like to acknowledge and thank the following individuals. These individuals did not contribute to the conception, design or writing of the content; collection, management, analysis, interpretation or presentation of the research and data; preparation, review, or approval of the publication; or decision to publish.
Stakeholder Group (SG)
The authors would like to thank the SG for their support in commissioning and developing the output, and for their strategic leadership in building support for the Global Nutrition Report.
Shawn Baker, Chief Nutritionist for the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Abigail Perry, Senior Nutrition Adviser, UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Ben Siddle, Nutrition Lead, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Irish Aid, Carla da Silva, DEVCO.C.1, European Commission, Cornelia Loechl, Head of the Nutritional and Health-Related Environmental Studies Section within the Division of Human Health, International Atomic Energy Agency, Erin Milner, Nutrition Advisor, USAID, Ferew Lemma Feyissa, Senior Advisor to the State Minister of Health, Ethiopia, Francesco Branca, Director, Department of Nutrition and Food Safety, World Health Organization (WHO), Frits van der Wal, Senior Policy Advisor, Food and Nutrition Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands, Gerda Verburg, UN Assistant Secretary General and SUN Movement Coordinator, John Cordaro, Global Food, Nutrition and Safety Business Advisor, Mars, Incorporated, Juliane Friedrich, Senior Technical Specialist Nutrition, International Fund for Agricultural Development, Katherine Richards, Head of Hunger and Nutrition, Save the Children UK, Kyoko Shibata Okamura, Nutrition Specialist, World Bank, Lauren Landis, Director of Nutrition, World Food Programme, Lawrence Haddad, Executive Director, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and 2018 World Food Prize Laureate, Lucy Martinez Sullivan, Executive Director, Feed the Truth, Martin Hoppe, Head of Division, Food and Nutrition Security, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Máximo Torero Cullen, Chief Economist of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Mohamed Abdi Farah, Special Adviser on Health and Nutrition, National Coordinator for SUN, Office of the Prime Minister, Federal Republic of Somalia, Neil Watkins, Deputy Director for Agriculture and Nutrition Policy, Advocacy and Communications, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Rachel Toku-Appiah, Nutrition Programme Manager, Graça Machel Trust, Tadashi Sato, Vice President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Victor Aguayo, Associate Director and Global Chief of Nutrition, Programme Division, UNICEF.
Other stakeholders and organisations
We are specifically grateful to all organisations involved in pilot the testing of the NAF’s Commitment Registration Form (as described in Developing the NAF Platform's Commitment Registration Form) and for their input in the development of examples of SMART nutrition commitments.
Production and communications
The team at Development Initiatives worked closely with Dr Renata Micha, and in support of the wider Independent Expert Group. The project was managed by Nathalie Willmott. Charlotte Martineau and Dimitra Karageorgou provided editorial guidance. Communications were managed by Anna Hope, supported by Montse Encontra. Charlotte Martineau led outreach and engagement, supported by Amy Cox. Alice McAndrew and Simon Murphy managed production, with support from Louise Summerling. Additional communications advice on the messaging was provided by Portland Communications. Freelance editing was done by Nina Behrman and Lizzie Tribone. Figure design was provided by Sarah Harries. Web development was led by Edwin Magezi and Kate Hughes, supported by Chris Wakibi, Thatcher Kaliisa and David Ebukali, with freelance support from Ventures Consulting. Production and testing of the registration form was supported by Sam Ashby, Jordan Beecher, Natalie Evans and Winnie Mughogho.
We would like to acknowledge the input of others around the launch of the Nutritional Accountability Framework Commitment Tracker and additional online resources in September 2022. The project was managed by Sarah Unsworth. Charlotte Martineau and Dimitra Karageorgou provided editorial guidance. Communications were managed by Tim Molyneux, supported by Anna Hope, Ben Campbell and Sarah Harries. Charlotte Martineau led outreach and engagement, supported by Amy Cox. Simon Murphy managed editorial production, supported by Emma Woodcock and Lucy Cowie. Web development was led by B-Team (freelance), Edwin Magezi and Kate Hughes, supported by Chris Wakibi, Thatcher Kaliisa and David Ebukali. Data analysis was led by George Antonatos and Natalie Evans, supported by Dean Breed.
Funding sources
The NAF is made possible through funding from: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, European Commission, Government of Canada, Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development – Germany (BMZ), Irish Aid, UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), US Agency for International Development (USAID), World Bank Group.
The funders were not involved in and did not contribute to any aspect of the developed content, including but not limited to conception, design or writing; collection, management, analysis, interpretation or presentation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the content; or decision to publish.
Last updated: 13 September 2022.