A guide to the Nutrition Accountability Framework Commitment Progress Tracking
A standardised and comprehensive online Commitment Progress Tracking Survey Form has been developed to support the progress reporting on registered nutrition commitments. The online form includes embedded guidance to facilitate the commitment reporting process and ensure accuracy.
This page provides guidance for filling out the nutrition commitment progress tracking form, complemented by Frequently Asked Questions and the Nutrition Commitment Progress Tracking Assessment Methodology.
The information here is also available as a PDF in English, French, and Spanish at the bottom of this page. It consists of introductory pages, followed by up to 12 sections:
- Pages 1–4 display contact and commitment information, such as the baseline value of the indicator used to measure progress, as provided by your organisation at the time of registration or at verification. This is intended to help you identify the commitment goal(s) for which progress reporting is requested.
- Sections 1–4 are used to obtain key information on the progress made for each registered goal, including the updated (since baseline) level of the indicator. Section 3 is for a non-financial goal and section 5 for a financial goal. These sections are instrumental to assess progress.
- Sections 5–8 allow you to share information about why or when an assessment has/has not been made, other tracking/accountability mechanisms under which you might report progress on this goal, or potential dimensions of equity relevant to the goal.
- Sections 9–10 seek information on potential barriers to and opportunities for accelerating progress, which will be invaluable for sharing learnings and highlighting achievements.
- Sections 11–12 allow you to provide any other information that is relevant to progress made (or not made) towards your goal and, if the goal has been concluded, to share the next steps you are considering.
The Global Nutrition Report is happy to share that we now have an instructional video that takes you step-by-step through the process of completing the commitment tracking survey via the Nutrition Accountability Framework (NAF).
This guide provides detailed instructions and clarifications for each question included in the form. For any questions that are not covered by this guide, please contact the Global Nutrition Report (GNR) at [email protected].
The below information is embedded in the online form which you must complete to report progress. For efficiency, we have also made the form available offline for those interested in familiarising themselves with the process before logging into the Nutrition Accountability Framework (NAF) to report on the progress of their commitment(s). Specifically, we have created a downloadable copy of the Commitment Progress Tracking Survey Form, should you wish to draft responses before you submit online.
General instructions
- This page includes important information for you as a commitment-maker. We recommend that you review the instructions, which are also embedded in the Commitment Progress Tracking Survey Form. Progress toward achieving the commitment is reported regularly, until the commitment has been fully delivered. The GNR team will communicate when you are requested to report on the progress of your commitment.
- This document is intended to guide you in reporting the progress towards the commitment you registered through the NAF. It outlines the questions to which you will respond online, so that you may familiarise yourselves with those questions prior to responding to them online.
- It may be useful to have a copy of this document next to you as you complete the form online. Please note that the progress reporting of your commitment is valid only if you complete and submit the online Commitment Progress Tracking Survey Form. You will receive a notification upon submission of the Commitment Progress Tracking Survey Form. The GNR advises you to complete the online survey in one sitting, as the form may not save while in progress.
- An asterisk (*) indicates that a response is required for that question. However, if the question is hidden (online) or you were instructed to skip it (PDF) because it is not relevant, you would skip it.
- Though we are providing instructions in other languages, if possible, the online form should be completed in English. This will allow you to maintain ownership over how the information is translated. If that is not possible, the GNR will use software to translate your commitment and cannot be responsible for translation accuracy.
- Progress should be reported separately for each registered commitment and its individual goals. For example, if your commitment has three goals, then progress needs to be separately reported for each of these goals. The form includes fields with previously submitted information to support progress reporting. This could include, for example, the baseline value of the indicator. Any such displayed information cannot be edited.
- Reported progress will be assessed using a comprehensive methodology, based on the previously used Nutrition for Growth (N4G) tracker methodology. Information provided during progress reporting, including the assessment performed by the GNR, will be made publicly available through the NAF Commitment Tracker.
The form
Contact information
The below section appears to all.
This page provides the contact information for the authorised representative from your commitment-making organisation. It also gives the opportunity to list an alternative point of contact within your organisation, which you should only provide to the GNR with that person’s permission.
It also requests a general email address for your organisation, if one exists (for example, if the GNR were completing this form, we would list [email protected] for general enquires or [email protected] for enquiries about the Nutrition Accountability Framework).
Authorised representative
Given Name(s) _____________ Surname(s) _____________
Email _______________________________________________
Alternative point of contact
General email address for organisation
General email
Commitment as registered
The below section appears to all.
This section includes fields with previously submitted information (at the time of the registration or at verification) that will help you to identify the overall commitment on which you are being asked to report progress. These include the title of the commitment, the full formulation of the commitment, and the number of measurable goals of the commitment.
These fields cannot be amended in the form.
The subsequent sections will repeat for each goal within your commitment.
- Brief title of the commitment
- Full formulation of the commitment
- Number of measurable goals of the commitment
Section 1. Information provided at registration on goal
The below section appears to all.
Section 1 includes specific fields with previously submitted information (at the time of the registration or at verification) that will help you identify the goal for which progress reporting is requested. These include the description of the goal, start and end date for achieving the goal, and information about the primary indicator used to measure the progress (name, unit if applicable, baseline level and the unit, year baseline level was assessed, targeted level to be achieved by end date, and any interim milestones).
These fields cannot be edited but you can report any missing information.
Progress cannot be assessed without this information.
1.1. Description of measurable goal. _________________________________________________
* If your goal is missing a description, please provide that below.
1.2. Specified start date and end date for achieving this commitment goal.
Start date month and year (MM/YYYY) ________
End date month and year (MM/YYYY) _________
* If your goal is missing start or end date, please provide that below.
Start date month and year (MM/YYYY) ________
End date month and year (MM/YYYY) _________
Information on primary indicator used to measure progress.
1.3.a. Baseline level/status and unit.
* If the baseline level/status and unit are missing for the primary indicator used to measure progress, please provide that below.
1.3.b. Name of unit (if applicable). _________________________________________________
If the name of unit for the primary indicator used to measure progress is applicable but missing, please provide that below.
1.4. Year baseline level/status was assessed (YYYY).
* If the year baseline level/status was assessed for the primary indicator used to measure progress is missing, please provide that below.
1.5. Level/status to be achieved by end date (target level/status).
* If the target level/status to be achieved by end date is missing for the primary indicator to measure progress, please provide that below.
1.6. Any interim milestone(s).
Please provide any interim milestone(s) for the primary indicator to measure progress.
Section 2. State of assessment for goal
This section aims to capture whether the indicator has been assessed since baseline, and whether it corresponds to a financial commitment.
The below sections appears to all.
* 2.1. Please report whether the indicator used to measure progress has been measured since baseline or not.
Have you assessed the indicator since baseline?
☐ Yes (move to 2.2) ☐ No (move to section 5)
* 2.2. If the indicator corresponds to a financial commitment or expenditure, please select “yes” and you will be directed to section 4.
Does the indicator correspond to a financial commitment? For example, US$100 million committed to addressing micronutrient deficiency, or 5% increase in disbursements/expenditure since baseline.
☐ Yes (move to section 4) ☐ No (move to section 3)
Section 3. Updated/latest level or status of the indicator for non-financial goal
This section allows you to report the updated level of the indicator for a non-financial goal. If your goal is financial, this section does not apply to you.
Please report the most recent level or status of the indicator listed in section 2 above. Please ensure that the unit of your latest level/status is the same as your baseline and target level/status in section 1 above. For example, if the unit for your baseline and target levels is a percentage (%), then your latest level should also be reported as a percentage.
If the indicator captures an action (e.g. ‘establishment of a national nutrition committee,’ ‘Implementation of previously established policy on food supply chain’), then the updated value should report whether the action was carried out (yes/no).
* 3.1. Updated/latest level/status of the indicator (using the same name and unit as the baseline).
* 3.2. Month and year the indicator was assessed, providing this updated/latest level/status.
Month (MM) ____________ Year (YYYY)__________
Section 4. Updated/latest level of the indicator for financial goal
This section allows you to report the updated level of the indicator for financial goals, to specify (1) whether funds were allocated, (2) whether funds were disbursed (i.e. actually expended), and to specify whether for nutrition-specific or nutrition-sensitive actions.
In all cases, please ensure that the unit of your updated level is the same as your baseline and target levels listed above. For example, if the unit for your baseline and target levels is US$, then your updated level should also be reported in US$.
Key definitions
Allocations/commitments: Total amount allocated since you made the commitment, corresponding to the sum of both the nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive allocations made.
Disbursements/actual expenditures: Total amount disbursed/spent since you made the commitment, corresponding to the sum of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive disbursements or expenditures made.
Nutrition-specific actions address the immediate determinants of malnutrition, such as food and nutrient intake (e.g. micronutrient supplementation, food fortification), feeding (including breastfeeding), caregiving and parenting practices, and burden of disease.
Nutrition-sensitive actions address the underlying determinants of malnutrition, such as food security, including access to and availability of nutritious foods (e.g. through agriculture, social protection, or food assistance); access to care resources (e.g. in the household, through health services); access to education and equity; and access to improved water, hygiene, and sanitation. They should also be aimed at individuals, include nutrition as a significant objective or indicator, and contribute to a nutrition-sensitive outcome.
Please specify if the original commitment goal had an allocation/commitment(s) made or if there have been disbursements/expenditures made on the original commitment following registration of the commitment.
* Your original commitment goal was regarding:
☐ Allocations/commitments (move to Allocations/commitments section)
☐ Disbursements/actual expenditures (move to Disbursements/actual expenditures section)
For an original commitment goal regarding allocations, you will be asked the following questions about allocations. Please specify total funds allocated (i.e. obligated or having made a legal decision to fund) on nutrition actions since you made the commitment, and then separately specify funds for nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive actions. The sum of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive funds should equal the total amount allocated since you made the commitment.
Allocations: Total amount allocated since you made the commitment, corresponding to the sum of both the nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive allocations made.
* 4.1.a. Total amount allocated since you made the commitment. _____________
* 4.1.b. Please specify the currency related to the amount allocated or a percentage (‘%’) if the updated amount is a percentage. Ensure that the unit of the updated level is the same as the baseline and target levels. For example, if the unit of the baseline and target levels is a percentage (%), then the updated level should also be reported as a percentage. If the unit is in US$, then the updated value should also be reported in US$.
Currency (or ‘%’ if the updated amount is a percentage) ________
* 4.1.c. Please specify the month and year for which the updated financial amount was assessed. For example, if the assessment was done on allocations for 2021, that is the year you would report, even if the assessment was done in 2023.
Year for which the amount allocated was assessed.
YYYY ____________
Nutrition-specific allocations/commitments
* 4.2.a. Please specify whether any of the total amount reported in 4.1.a. has been allocated to nutrition-specific actions.
Has any of the total amount reported in the ‘Total amount allocated since you made the commitment’ field been for nutrition-specific actions?
☐ Yes, and the amount is known (move to 4.2.b)
☐ Yes, but the amount has not been estimated (move to 4.2.c)
☐ No, only nutrition-sensitive allocations have been made (move to 4.3.a)
* 4.2.b. Please specify how much of the total amount reported in the ‘amount allocated since you made the commitment’ field was allocated for nutrition-specific actions. The currency should match the ‘currency’ indicated above. If the amount is a percentage, please select ‘%’ in the ‘currency’ field. If only nutrition-specific allocations have been made, then the amount reported here should equal the one reported above for the total funds.
* 4.2.b.1. Amount allocated on nutrition-specific actions _____________
* 4.2.b.2. Currency (or ‘%’ if the amount allocated since you made the commitment is a percentage) of amount allocated on nutrition-specific actions ____________
* 4.2.c. Please specify if the sectors involved in nutrition-specific allocation are known (yes/no). If “yes,” then proceed to 4.2.d.
Are the sector(s) involved in this nutrition-specific allocation known?
☐ Yes (move to 4.2.d)
☐ No (move to 4.3.a)
* 4.2.d. Please select the appropriate sectors if the response was “yes” in 4.2.c.
Please specify the sector(s) that are involved in this nutrition-specific allocation. (Select all that apply.)
☐ Health
☐ Social protection
☐ Agriculture, agribusiness, livestock, fisheries
☐ Early child development
☐ Other, please specify (free text) _____________
Nutrition-sensitive allocations/commitments
* 4.3.a. Please specify whether any of the total amount reported in 4.1.a. has been allocated to nutrition-sensitive actions.
Has any of the total amount reported in the ‘Total amount allocated since you made the commitment’ field been allocated for nutrition-sensitive actions?
☐ Yes, and the amount is known (move to 4.3.b)
☐ Yes, but the amount has not been estimated (move to 4.3.c)
☐ No, only nutrition-specific allocations have been made (move to section 6)
*4.3.b. Please specify how much of the total amount reported in the ‘Total amount allocated since you made the commitment’ field was allocated for nutrition-sensitive actions. Please note that the currency should match the ‘currency’ indicated above. If the amount is a percentage, please select ‘%’ in the ‘currency’ field. If only nutrition-sensitive allocations have been made, then the amount reported here should equal the one reported above for the total funds.
* 4.3.b.1. Amount _____________
* 4.3.b.2. Currency (or ‘%’ if the amount allocated since you made the commitment is a percentage) ____________
* 4.3.c. Please specify if the sectors involved in nutrition-sensitive allocation are known (yes/no) If “yes,” then proceed to 4.3.d.
Are the sector(s) that are involved in this nutrition-sensitive allocation known?
☐ Yes (move to 4.3.d)
☐ No (move to section 6)
* 4.3.d. Please select the appropriate sectors if the response was “yes” in 4.3.c.
Please specify the sector(s) that are involved in this nutrition-sensitive allocation. (Select all that apply.)
☐ Health
☐ Social protection
☐ Agriculture, agribusiness, livestock, fisheries
☐ Climate, environment, natural resources
☐ Early child development
☐ Education
☐ Water supply and sanitation
☐ Gender equity
☐ Other, please specify (free text) ______________
Disbursements/actual expenditures
For an original commitment goal regarding disbursements, you will be asked the following questions about disbursements. Please specify total funds disbursed (i.e. actually expended) on nutrition actions since you made the commitment, and then separately specify funds for nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive actions. Likewise, the sum of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive funds should equal the total amount disbursed since you made the commitment.
Disbursements: Total amount disbursed/spent since you made the commitment, corresponding to the sum of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive disbursements or expenditures made.
* 4.1.a. Total amount disbursed or spent sinceyou made the commitment _____________________________________________________________________
* 4.1.b. Currency (or ‘%’ if the amount disbursed or spent since you made the commitment is a percentage) _____________________________________________
* 4.1.c. Year for which the amount disbursed or spent was assessed
YYYY ____________
Nutrition-specific disbursements/actual expenditures
* 4.2.a. Please specify whether any of the total amount reported in 4.1.a. has been disbursed/expended to nutrition-specific actions.
Has any of the total amount reported in the ‘Total amount disbursed or spent since you made the commitment’ field been for nutrition-specific actions?
☐ Yes, and the amount is known (move to 4.2.b)
☐ Yes, but the amount has not been estimated (move to 4.2.c)
☐ No, only nutrition-sensitive allocations have been made (move to 4.3.a)
4.2.b. Please specify how much of the total amount reported in the ‘Total amount disbursed/spent since you made the commitment’ field was disbursed/spent on nutrition-specific actions. Please note that the currency should match the ‘currency’ indicated above. If the amount is a percentage, please select ‘%’ in the ‘currency’ field. If only nutrition-specific disbursements/expenditures have been made, then the amount reported here should equal the one reported above for the total funds.
* 4.2.b.1. Amount disbursed/spent on nutrition-specific actions _____________
* 4.2.b.2. Currency (or ‘%’ if the amount disbursed/spent since you made the commitment is a percentage) of this disbursement/expenditure on nutrition-specific actions ____________
* 4.2.c. Please specify if the sectors involved in nutrition-specific expenditures are known (yes/no). If “yes,” proceed to 4.2.d
Are the sector(s) involved in this nutrition-specific disbursement/expenditure known?
☐ Yes (move to 4.2.d)
☐ No (move to 4.3.a)
* 4.2.d. Please select the appropriate sectors if the response was “yes” in 4.2.c.
Please specify the sector(s) that are involved in this nutrition-specific disbursement/expenditure. (Select all that apply.)
☐ Health
☐ Social protection
☐ Agriculture, agribusiness, livestock, fisheries
☐ Early child development
☐ Other, please specify (free text) ______________
Nutrition-sensitive disbursements/actual expenditures
* 4.3.a.
Please specify whether any of the total amount reported in 4.1.a. has been disbursed to nutrition-sensitive actions.
Has any of the total amount reported in the ‘Total amount disbursed/spent since you made the commitment’ field been disbursed/spent for nutrition-sensitive actions?
☐ Yes, and the amount is known (move to 4.3.b)
☐ Yes, but the amount has not been estimated (move to 4.3.c)
☐ No, only nutrition-specific disbursements/expenditures have been made (move to section 6)
4.3.b. Please specify how much of the total amount reported in the ‘Total amount disbursed/spent since you made the commitment’ field was disbursed for nutrition-sensitive actions. Please note that the currency should match the ‘currency’ indicated above. If the amount is a percentage, please select ‘%’ in the ‘currency’ field. If only nutrition-sensitive disbursements/expenditures have been made, then the amount reported here should equal the one reported above for the total funds.
* 4.3.b.1. Amount __________________
* 4.3.b.2. Currency (or ‘%’ if the amount disbursed/spent since you made the commitment is a percentage) ____________
* 4.3.c. Please specify if the sectors involved in nutrition-sensitive expenditures are known (yes/no). If “yes,” proceed to 4.3.d.
Are the sector(s) that are involved in this nutrition-sensitive disbursement/expenditure known?
☐ Yes (move to 4.3.d)
☐ No (move to section 6)
* 4.3.d. Please select the appropriate sectors if the response was “yes” in 4.3.c.
Please specify the sector(s) that are involved in this nutrition-sensitive disbursement/expenditure. (Select all that apply.)
☐ Health
☐ Social protection
☐ Agriculture, agribusiness, livestock, fisheries
☐ Climate, environment, natural resources
☐ Early child development
☐ Education
☐ Water supply and sanitation
☐ Gender equity
☐ Other, please specify (free text) ______________
Section 5. Reasons for not assessing the indicator for goal
This section aims to capture why the indicator has not been assessed since baseline.
The below question appears only if “no” has been selected in 2.1., i.e. the level of the indicator has not been assessed.
*5. Please specify why the indicator has not been assessed, checking all that apply. For example, the data is not planned to be collected, the data was collected but has not been processed yet, lack of resources (e.g. personnel, funding) delayed the indicator assessment, changes in priorities and assessment was delayed, or other.
Why has the indicator not been assessed since baseline? (Select all that apply.)
☐ The data has not been collected yet
☐ The data was collected but it has not been processed yet
☐ Lack of resources (e.g. personnel, funding, time, technology) delayed the indicator assessment
☐ There was a change in priorities and assessment was delayed
☐ Other, please specify (free text) ______________________
Section 6. Frequency of assessing the indicator for goal
In this section, provide the information about the frequency the indicator is assessed and when the next update is expected.
The questions below appear to all.
* 6.1. How frequently is the indicator expected to be assessed between now and the end date for achieving the goal? For example, you may plan to assess the indicator at regular intervals as part of an ongoing survey, or you could measure it at specified time points such as at the start and end of the delivery period. (Select only one answer.)
☐ Every year
☐ Every 2 years
☐ Every 3 years
☐ Every 4 years
☐ Other, please specify __________
* 6.2. Please specify whether it is known when the indicator is expected to be assessed next.
Do you know when the indicator is expected to be assessed next?
☐ Yes, please specify the month and year below (move to 6.3)
☐ No (move to section 7)
* 6.3. Please specify the month and year when the indicator is expected to be assessed next.
Month (MM) ______________ Year (YYYY) _________________
Section 7. Other tracking/accountability mechanisms for goal
This section allows you to report any other tracking/accountability mechanisms (other than the GNR) that have been used to report the progress towards the goal.
The below questions appear to all.
* 7.1. Please specify whether the progress of the goal has been reported to any additional – other than the GNR – tracking/accountability mechanisms.
Other than the GNR, have you reported on the progress of this commitment goal to an additional tracking/accountability mechanism? This could include, for example, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) for financial commitments or the Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) for food business commitments?
☐ Yes, please specify the mechanism used below (move to 7.2)
☐ No other tracking/accountability mechanism used (move to 8)
* 7.2. Appears only if “yes” has been selected in 7.1, i.e. the progress of the commitment goal has been reported in any additional other than the GNR tracking/accountability mechanisms.
Please specify the tracking/accountability mechanism (other than the GNR) used to report on the progress of this commitment goal.
Please specify mechanism used. _________________________________________________
Section 8. Dimensions of equity for goal
This section allows you to report any dimensions of equity that you believe your goal targets, for example, whether it targets any populations that may have special vulnerability to malnutrition. The below questions appear to all.
* 8.1 Please specify whether the commitment goal targets any population groups that may be more severely affected by malnutrition than others.
Does the commitment goal include a focus on a dimension of equity, i.e. aim to target population groups that are more severely affected by malnutrition?
☐ Yes, please specify the dimensions of equity below (move to 8.2)
☐ No, the commitment does not target population groups that are more severely affected by malnutrition or does not target any population groups specifically (move to 9)
* 8.2. Appears only if “yes” has been selected in 8.1.
Please select the characteristic(s) of the population group(s) on which the commitment goal focuses.
Some examples provided. (Select any that apply.)
☐ Sex (female, male, intersex)
☐ Gender identity (women, men, non-binary/non-conforming)
☐ Sexual orientation
☐ Race or ethnicity
☐ Indigenous status
☐ Age or life course stage/status (neonates, infants, young children, adolescents, pregnant and/or lactating women, elderly adults)
☐ Chronic illness (people living with HIV, cancer, diabetes)
☐ Ability (physical, psychological, intellectual, socioemotional)
☐ Community geography (rural, urban)
☐ Religion
☐ Caste
☐ Refugee status or status as an internally displaced person
☐ Nationality or country of origin
☐ Socioeconomic status (populations living in relative poverty)
☐ Economic status of country (low-income country)
☐ Other (Please specify) __________
8.3. Optional narrative on dimensions of equity. Feel free to provide a brief narrative on how the commitment goal is targeting the selected equity dimensions.
Please provide a brief narrative on how the commitment goal targets population groups having the selected characteristics. For example, the goal is targeting the race or ethnicity equity dimension because it commits to developing nutrition social behaviour change strategies that address the particular challenges of a specific marginalised ethnic group which is usually left out of such strategies, which tend to address the challenges of the ethnic majorities. (Max 150 words.) (Optional.)
Section 9. Barriers and constraints impacting the progress towards the goal
This section captures any barriers and constraints that may have affected the progress towards the goal.
The below questions appear to all.
* 9.1 Please rate the impact political instabilities, conflicts, or epidemics have had on making progress for this goal. (Select only one answer.)
☐ No impact (move to 9.2)
☐ Low or little impact (move to 9.1.a)
☐ Moderate impact (move to 9.1.a)
☐ High impact (move to 9.1.a)
☐ Severe impact (move to 9.1.a)
* 9.1.a Appears only if it is reported in 9.1 that there was any impact of instability/conflicts /epidemics on the progress.
Please specify how political instabilities, conflicts, or epidemics have impeded progress. (Select all that apply.)
☐ Inability to secure or establish funding (for example, due to competing priorities)
☐ Withdrawal of external funding
☐ Increase in costs
☐ Decreased availability of skilled personnel
☐ Change of priorities
☐ Other, please specify (free text) _________________________________________________
9.1.b. Optional narrative explanation on how the commitment goal has been affected by instability/conflict/epidemics.
Please provide a brief narrative on how the commitment goal has been affected by political instabilities, conflicts, or epidemics. (Max 150 words.) (Optional.)
*9.2 Please select if you faced any barriers/constraints (other than instability, conflict, or epidemic) in making progress towards the goal, and what level of impact it had.
Please rate the impact any other barriers/constraints had on making progress towards this goal. (Select only one answer.)
☐ No impact (move to 10)
☐ Low or little impact (move to 9.2.a)
☐ Moderate impact (move to 9.2.a)
☐ High impact (move to 9.2.a)
☐ Severe impact (move to 9.2.a)
* 9.2.a. Appears only if it is reported in 9.2 that there was any impact of barriers/constraints on progress towards the goal.
Please specify how these barriers/constraints impeded progress. (Select all that apply.)
☐ Inability to secure or establish funding (for example, due to competing priorities)
☐ Withdrawal of external funding
☐ Increase in costs
☐ Decreased availability of skilled personnel
☐ Change of priorities
☐ Other, please specify (free text) ___________
* 9.2.b. Optional narrative explanation on the type of other barriers/constraints faced, whether you managed to overcome these, and if so, how.
Please specify the type of barriers/constraints you were faced with, whether you managed to overcome these, and if so how. (Max 150 words.) (Optional.)
Section 10. Opportunities for accelerating progress toward goal
This section captures any opportunities that may have accelerated the progress towards the goal.
The questions below appear to all.
* 10.1 Please report whether you encountered opportunities for accelerating progress towards the goal.
Were you presented with any opportunities for accelerating progress towards this goal? For example, additional financial or political support that resulted in faster progress, or new partnerships that yielded quicker than anticipated results.
☐ Yes (move to 10.1.a)
☐ No (move to 11)
* 10.1.a. Appears only if “yes” has been selected in 10.1., i.e. you were presented with some opportunities for accelerating progress towards the goal.
Please specify the type of opportunity which accelerated progress towards this goal. (Select all that apply.)
☐ Additional financial support that likely accelerated progress
☐ Additional political support that likely accelerated progress
☐ New partnerships that likely accelerated progress
☐ Other, please specify (free text) _________________________________________________
* 10.1.b. Appears only if “yes” has been selected in 10.1., i.e. you were presented with some opportunities for accelerating progress towards the goal.
Please specify the type of opportunities you were presented with and how you leveraged these (max. 150 words).
* 10.1.c.
Appears only if “yes” has been selected in 10.1., i.e. you were presented with some opportunities for accelerating progress towards that goal.
Please rate the impact these opportunities had on accelerating progress. (Select only one answer.)
☐ No impact
☐ Low or little impact
☐ Moderate impact
☐ High impact
Section 11. Additional information for goal
This section of the form captures any additional information that could be relevant to the progress of the goal. If the goal has not concluded, this is the last section.
The below question appears to all.
- Optional. Please provide any additional information you consider relevant to the progress of this goal. (Optional.)
Section 12. For concluded commitment goal
This section of the form captures information on commitments that have come to conclusion and achievements.
- Optional. If your commitment goal has come to conclusion, please feel free to share further information regarding what you achieved, any new action inspired by that commitment goal, or regarding your next steps (e.g. your plans to make a new commitment in the Nutrition Accountability Framework). (Optional).